Question for Happy Man

by JT 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • JT


    "Elder for 25 year, 5 children, 2 not JW one have been Dfd, but now JW again.
    I se that you dont answer my qestions, only tell who silly i am, nor soo good arguing."


    First off i would like to welcome you here- as you can see we have a varied cross section of folks here in the community center.

    I would like to commend you for at least being brave enough to come to this site and setup an account and post for more than 4- post as well as read Amazing very long life story.

    Would you be willing to share with us what moved you to come to this site in view of what the Org teaches on this issue of being in forums like this>

    I found this comment of yours most interesting in view of the fact that you are an elder where you stated:

    "I have bigg respeckt for evry man and hes upinon,
    even former Jw, why do you think i am writing here"

    i'm sure you are aware of the fact like we are that such a view puts you in grave danger with the local elders, co the ORG and according to the Society even God himslef-

    I'm sure that being an elder you like many of us who were elders conducted the wt/gave talks on where we used the material provided by the society that states WE SHOULD HATE THOSE WHO HATE JAH and we know that according to the current position of the org that includes those classified as "Apoststes"

    yet you share a different view than the slave-

    as you know the most recent instruction to JW was that it is unscriptual and forbidden to even have DIFFERENT PRIVATE THOUGHTS:

    August 1, 2001 Watchtower. The second study
    article is entitled How to Make Your
    Advancement Manifest.

    And just how is that? Well, after quoting Ephesians 4:11-14, here’s what paragraphs 8 and 9 advise:
    First, since “oneness” is to be observed, a mature Christian must be in unity and full harmony with fellow believers as far as faith and knowledge are concerned. He does not advocate or insist on personal opinions or harbor private ideas when it comes to Bible understanding. Rather, he has complete confidence in the truth as it is revealed by Jehovah God through his Son, Jesus Christ, and “the faithful and discreet slave.”

    SO as you can see as jw you are under tremedous pressure to conform to the views of the org or else YOU ALONG WITH ANY OTHER JW ARE OUT OF LINE with the channel that according to Your Belief System is being directed by god himslef

    so would you be willing to share with us how you personaly reconcile being here and dialogging with us in view of the fact that your faith doesn't allow you the Freedom to do so openly

    thanks and welcome to the site


  • Jigrigger

    Hi JT,

    The question you put to "Happy Man" is one that you've put before other dubs who wander onto this site and post/lurk. So far, I've never seen a dub give a straight seems like such a basic, straight-forward question - I have also wondered too how a JW can reconcile being here when the very org they defend tells them THIS IS OFF LIMITS.

    Of course, we have witnessed the leaders of this org rationalize stuff like for example the UN thing, so I guess it's not a stretch for individual dubs to rationalize any kind of activity that is patently hypocritical...


    P.S. I saw the name "David Splane" mentioned on this board a couple of days ago, did you ever meet him while at Bethel?

  • JT

    Jigrigger Says

    "The question you put to "Happy Man" is one that you've put before other dubs who wander onto this site and post/lurk. So far, I've never seen a dub give a straight seems like such a basic, straight-forward question"

    yes it is and in fact that is one of the reasons i post it- in fact it was the very same basic type of question that was put to me when i first came to the NET trying to defend wt and i too did not answer it when asked

    in fact i hoped that the thread would move off the most recent post so i could pretend like i forgot it and everyone else had forgotten it as well
    but this guy over on h2o it was af/alan or jh one of those guys and they just kept on hammering me over and over till i had to say uncle

    but it accomplishes a number of things

    1. it allows NONJW to see what the wt policy is for it's ADULT MEMBERS--- "they tell them what to read on the net" -

    2. it allows lurkers to re-evaluate the role OF THE SOCEITY IN THIER LIFE

    3 forces the hand of the poster one way or the other and either way he goes HE LOSES cause we all know the WT rules on hanging out with DFed -DAed and those classified as apostates

    so all the word twisting and hand wrangling will never get them out of admiting that their faith doesn't allow them to be here and we all know it regardless of whether they admit it or not
    i mean some of us were elders who would DF folks just like them for merely being here and failing to confess that they were in the Wrong and the WT is right about who they can talk to

    I tell my wife all the time that this is the best "Litmus" test you can give a jw and at that point you will know if he or she is for real or just "Messing" with the forum

    just my 2


    P.S. I saw the name "David Splane" mentioned on this board a couple of days ago, did you ever meet him while at Bethel?

  • JT

    P.S. I saw the name "David Splane" mentioned on this board a couple of days ago, did you ever meet him while at Bethel?


    i recall the name but can't place the face

    i think he was at the Farm if i'm not mistaken

  • Yadirf



    Daniel 11:35 ... a KEY prophecy that must be fulfilled before the "time of the end" gets underway.

  • dungbeetle

    JT has the right idea....if they were happy JW's, they wouldn't even BE here. He**, if we were happy EX jw's, would WE even be here?

    Just kidding!!!

    In 1975 a crack team of publishers was sentenced to death by a judicial commiteee. They promptly escaped from the cult and now live life on the run. If you have a problem ... and if you can find them ... maybe you can contact the A--postate Team"

  • Jigrigger

    JT, you always state things so well...

    so all the word twisting and hand wrangling will never get them out of admiting that their faith doesn't allow them to be here and we all know it regardless of whether they admit it or not

    And that's easy to prove too...for instance I could mention to my mom - who is JW of staunchest sort - that I run into JWs on the net who knowingly take part in forums with d'feds/apostates on a more or less regular basis and then ask her if she thinks that it's OK for these bros to do this, I know she would parrot the SOCIETY line...

    JW defenders who register on this board leave themselves with ONE of two options. Either they remain as hypocritical fools or they can be fortunate enough to do like you did and discover there's a whole other side of the story.

    The advantage gained by having spent a significant part of your life in the BORG is that you already know the mindset and policies of the WT, therefor you know what kinds of QUESTIONS to ask...


  • ozziepost


    Thanks for putting the question. I've wondered too.

    Happy Man,
    We're looking forward to reading your reply.


    "If our hopes for peace are placed in the hands of imperfect people, they are bound to evaporate."

    - Ron Hutchcraft Surviving the Storms of Stress

  • happy man
    happy man

    I have not seen this messege before, sorry.

    Why I am here, why not, I see the tema fore this site, anything JW related, ad it is what it is, never been the kind guy, always a nail in the eye on my fellow elders friends, and ofcourse i see a lot od errors, but where can we not find errors, you have to spend your time where you find less errors.

    Other religions are not anything who intrest mee at all, to much more errors ther i think, look at whats happend inn the word.

  • avishai

    Happy man. I admire your honesty in at least being able to say youve found wrong in the society. Most won't even say that. But to say that It is less wrong does not take away the fact that it is still wrong. This "Yes, but what else is there" saying is one I've heard many times. O.k, tell me where the jw's are more right than, say, the b'hai or the buddhists.

    Next, you say look at whats happened in the world. Go here Tell me where what's happened in the world is much worse than child rape, find a worse crime. Allowing it to continue, w/ counsel like"Read our publications more & go out in service". That does not help! Tell my brother "Look what's happened in the world." The world has been kinder to him. Tell me that . I want an answer.

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