JWs At Microsoft

by MadApostate 6 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • MadApostate

    . http://www.theocraticprojects.net

    About Theocratic Projects

    While we prefer to keep a low profile to our identity, we can tell you that we are a team of developers who currently work for Microsoft and are certified as Microsoft Certified Systems Engineers (MCSE) but by no means are we sponsored by, endorsed by or affiliated with Microsoft, Inc. Nor as Jehovah's Witnesses do we use this site as an association to the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society.

    Theocratic Projects makes available to our visitors theocratic software, forms and templates for various congregation projects and how these can help you prepare them. We hope that the samples here can help organize your own 'Theocratic Projects' and give you ideas on how to create or maybe improve on the ones you already have.

    We also welcome any suggestions or comments for any of the forms found on this site and we would appreciate brothers and sisters worldwide to submit their own theocratic forms or templates. We hope you enjoy this site.

    Theocratic Projects

    [email protected]

  • gravedancer

    MCSE is a joke...any nutjob can get an MCSE

  • Simon

    I agree ... I've yet to be impressed by someone with an 'MCSE' - they usually can't do real-world problem solving unless it's multiple choice and one of the answers is obviously wrong.

  • 2SYN

    OOOO! L4m3rz as I would say if this was IRC, but it's not, say I've got to say something a bit more intelligent

    I agree Simon, I paged through the MCSE manuals once (they were boring and told me in excruciating detail about things I had taught myself by hand (no, not like you think!!)). What a load of rubbish.

    * How to open Control Panel
    * How to Install Hardware (urgh)

    In the real world, there are no multiple choice questions, only long essays with the teacher giving you disturbing looks from the corner of her eyes every now and then!! My feeling is that the best way to learn about IT and everything that goes with it is to teach yourself, unless the stuff you want to learn is very, very advanced and you can't access learning materials. The Internet is the great equalizer in this regard - it has so many tutorials and informative articles that anyone who can't use Google to find out what they need to know is just dumb. I taught myself to program (in C++, properly) by reading free guides I got off the Internet, and there were many people in mailing lists who helped me out. Now I work at a commercial game development company, and I'm glad I wasn't spoon-fed.

    The earlier in the forenoon you take the sun bath, the greater will be the beneficial effect, because you get more of the ultra-violet rays, which are healing. - The Golden Age

  • ozziepost

    In computing, everyone's an expert!

    You should the 'experts' in a typical WTS branch! They've even got an Aussie one @ Patterson!!


    "If our hopes for peace are placed in the hands of imperfect people, they are bound to evaporate."

    - Ron Hutchcraft Surviving the Storms of Stress

  • slipnslidemaster

    I can't resist.

    CNE IS a real cert though.

    Slipnslidemaster:"Baywatch has enriched and, in many cases, helped save lives. I'm looking forward to the opportunity to continue with a project which has has such a significance for so many."
    - David Hasselhoff

  • Mozzer4Life

    As with an MCSE, any "nutjob" can get a college diploma too, but it sure doesn't hurt to have it.

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