Check out the 1 April, 2002 WT, page 11.
Christian baptism is not for everyone, Jesus ordered his followers: 'Go....and make disciples of people of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit, teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded you.' (Matthew 28:19, 20)Before being baptized, people must be 'taught to observe all things Jesus commanded his disciples.' Hence, forced baptisms of those lacking faith based on accurate knowledge of God's Word are valueless and contrary to the commission Jesus gave his true followers.-Hebrews 11:6.So far as baptism is concerned, the Matt 28 scripture as quoted by the article is a key text for dubs. It validates the WTS ministry and baptism. The article goes on to explain what being baptized in the 'name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit' means...kind of anyway.
What does it mean to be baptized 'in the name of the father'?. It means that the baptismal candidate recognizes our heavenly Father's office and authority...To be baptized 'in the name of the Son' means to recognize Jesus' office and authority as God's only-begotten Son....What is the significance of baptism 'in the name of the holy spirit'? This indicates that the baptismal candidates recognize that the holy spirit is Jehovah's active force, used in various ways in harmony with his purpose.So there you have it. The WTS has no idea what this baptism means. Recall the instruction by Jesus was to his followers who would take the lead in disciple making. They would teach these ones all relevant things which would surely include the basics about the father, son and holy spirit. So why bother mentioning anything else? Why mention baptism in the father, son and holy spirit? The baptizing in the name of the father, son and spirit pertains to the baptism and not to the teaching. It is clearly not a subject the WTS is comfortable with. In truth this additional baptismal instruction probably relates to a form of ritualism that the WTS disapproves of and so it tries to weave its doctrine the best it can around the objectionable matters...even if the results are unintelligible. has lived by the 'weave' so why change?!