question for you, mankkeli

by outsmartthesystem 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • outsmartthesystem

    OK.....I am really going to TRY to keep true to my promise of ignoring Mankkeli from now on.......but not till after this post.

    Mankkeli, I just need you to verify something for me. Based on your past posts (and avatar) you are a :

    Public talk giving, beard wearing elder that serves in your circuit and sometimes at Bethel, while holding down a job as a doctor, who was good friends with Ray Franz before he died, and who balances out all the aforementioned theocratic acitivity by planning apostafests.

    Did I get all of that correct?

  • Balaamsass


  • bohm

    he has also written a phd in which he produced zero papers, then got tenure, then continued producing zero papers.

    he is on 27 internet forums and is writing a book.

    he also got the templeton award.

    he is also a lying POS.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I feel sorry for someone with such atrocious lying skills. Personally, I want to pose as Queen Elizabeth I or somehting. My night job would be rock star who played with the Beatles, Stones, WHO and Dylan. My residences would be Manhattan, Paris, and Firenze. My spare time would be spent olympic jump skiing and winning the Paris Open, Wimbeldon and U.S. Open. My fake dress would be Armani and Chanel with some Etro. I only use Hermes kelly bags. My dearest friends are President Obama, Nelson Mandela, and the Dali Lama. When I am not with those three, I hang out with Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr. Mick Jagger and Pete Townshend join us in seances where we channel John Lennon and George Harrison. Kim Kardashian is a minor friend.

  • N.drew

    BOTR! Haha Can I come? PLEASE!

  • EntirelyPossible

    My alter-ego would be someone not so awesome with the ladies so I could have a few minutes of peace and let my man tool recover.

  • hamsterbait

    Dont let the come-to-bed-eyes, the badboy pout and the "I'm trouble stubble" get to you.

    As for all the claims: Witlesses have no difficulty making up any number of unprovable stories, whether about science, the babble, history or battered wives.

    Remember this is a religion that says it is BAD BAD BAD to beat your meat, but fine to beat your wife.


  • EntirelyPossible

    It's ok to beat your wife after she beats your meat, right?

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