You may recognize the photo if you frequent the site It has become a popular "meme" pic to which various funny captions are added. The overall style and feel of the pic got me wondering whether it came from one of the Society's rags, in some clueless anti-internet article.
Is this photo from the Watchtower or Awake?
by fresh prince of ohio 7 Replies latest jw friends
don't know about the question but look at this, lol
fresh prince of ohio
Ha, yeah, 'First World Problems' is a popular meme.
It's not a Watchtower photo. It is a stock photo taken by photographer Ron Nickel.
only me
I think I remember this one from an internet porn mag... pretty sure there wwas a post about this pic before.
fresh prince of ohio
Thanks Leolaia. How'd you trace that?
only me
I meant a Watchtower on internet porn lol. I seriously remember a thread dedicated to that picture. People were commenting on the woman in the background and what the man must be looking at, lots of one liners. Maybe a year or two ago?
There isn't anything to identify who did the picture in the image info.