Jehovahs Witnesses DID got the truth to Adolf Hitler - he knew about it!
by Intel 9 Replies latest jw friends
still thinking
Verrrry enlightening just as well he never got that swastika tattooed on his balls...but a disappointment for him all the just can't rewrite history.....
Band on the Run
I've read how HItler devoted attention to the Witnesses, in particular. He found them loathsome (which may be a huge compliment for the Witnesses). I was surprised to read his knowledge. He had a full plate.
Hitler--Germans who are Hitlers changed their names. His own family settled in the U.S. with assumed names. A Christian group opening the Jews to scorn is disappointing b/c one would think that the Holy Spirit would move them to do what Jesus would do. "Commercial Jews" -- all these years later, there is still no DNA test to prove a "commercial Jew,"
Do you mean that they got the truth to him or "the truth" to him?
african GB Member
@ding lol, i am sure he meant "the truth"
Hitler was initiated into the Thule Society, which means he was well versed in the Mysteries. Someone from the Dark side got to him there and turned him away from the White Lodge and into their nefarious club that rules the world, the Old World Order. Any such person would recognize the JW religion as nothing but a tool for control of the cattle masses. That was where Hitler's interest in it lies. "The Truth" would be a joke to him, an ingenious joke but a joke nevertheless, no different from the Mormon joke or even the Orthodox Christian joke.
God,that was funny as hell....
Somehow I have a hard time visualizing an alterative universe in which Hitler gets converted by the WTS and spends the rest of his life peddling Watchtower literature door to door.
Imagine him "going where the need is greatest" and pioneering in Winston Churchill's neighborhood!
Somehow I can't see him calling a Jewish brother "brother" either...
No doubt, some WT apologist will say that the world would have been a better place if that had happened, but then again the world would have been a better place if Hitler had simply been run over by a train.
Band on the Run
Ding, ditto. But don't you feel that some other nut job just would have taken his place? The United States and Great Britain were informed by all those German officers who tried to assassinate him. No help was offered b/c the fear was that a dead HItler would be even more potent as a Messianic symbol. I don't know enough Nazis and Germany to say which one way is correct.