I am confused, so was it Constantine who created the first canon or was it Athanasius throught Constantine, or was it just Athanasius before Constantine?
A little help please - Question regarding the first Canon
by Joey Jo-Jo 5 Replies latest watchtower bible
Good articles on Wiki , interesting that the canon that JW's accept was decided by the Catholic Church in around 381AD( from memory) at atime the JW's claim the church was Apostate, so theirs, the infamous NWT, is an Apostate Bible !
Joey Jo-Jo
Thanks, some web sites says Constantine, others Athanasius.
It's interesting how the Watchtower can be diametrically opposed to the Catholic Church on just about every single issue, but miraculously they agree that the same exact 66 books were penned by God, by "men under inspiration" of course. Unfortunately that inspiration came from Satan, but JW's like it that way because Satan is their God.
Constantine's resume is more prolifically diabolical than Adolph Hitler, Attila the Hun, Pol Pot, Joe Stalin and Genghis Khan combined. The guy exterminated his own family. And of course we know what his political motivations were.
Oh yeah, I trust him and his regime to accurately decide which books came from God.
If they would read the Bible like adults instead of five-year old children the fact that Jehovah is an Uber-Mofo would hit them over the head like a hammer. In fact even five-year old children would be able to see it without religious wingnuts "interpreting" it for them.
If they would read the Bible like adults instead of five-year old children the fact that Jehovah is an Uber-Mofo would hit them over the head like a hammer. In fact even five-year old children would be able to see it without religious wingnuts "interpreting" it for them.
I was leaving church one Sunday and some of the teenagers came up to me showing me a lego Bible where the Bible characters where made of legos and it was telling (in a comic book fashion) the stories and events of the Bible. The kids were astonished at the amount of violence that was found in this book. One said that if this were a video game, it would be rated AO (Adults Only).
Out of the mouths of babes...
Doug Mason
Joey Jo-Jo.
I recommend three books that provide excellent descriptions of the events of those first four centuries. I presume you will be able to read details online about these books:
“JESUS WARS: How Four Patriarchs, Three Queens, and Two Emperors Decided What Christians Would Believe for the Next 1500 Years” by Philip Jenkins (The Fifth-Century Political Battles That Forever Changed What the Church Teaches About the Son of God.)
“AD 381: HERETICS, PAGANS AND THE CHRISTIAN STATE” by Charles Freeman. ( In AD 381, Theodosius, emperor of the eastern Roman empire, issued a decree in which all of his subjects were required to subscribe to a belief in the Trinity of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. This edict defined Christian orthodoxy and brought to an end a lively and wide ranging debate about the nature of the Godhead; all other interpretations were now declared heretical. Moreover, for the first time in a thousand years of Greco-Roman civilisation, free thought was unambiguously suppressed.)
“A NEW HISTORY OF CHRISTIANITY” by Charles Freeman. ( Freeman shows that there was a host of competing Christianities, many of which had as much claim to authenticity as those that eventually dominated. The imposition of ‘correct belief and an institutional framework that enforced orthodoxy were both consolidating and stifling. Uncovering the church’s relationships with Judaism, Gnosticism, Greek philosophy and Greco-Roman society, Freeman offers dramatic new accounts of Paul, the resurrection, and the church fathers and emperors.)