To Our God's Organization - sd-7 style!

by sd-7 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • sd-7

    To the tune of 'To God We Are Dedicated', and a 1, and a 2, and a 3!

    To God, by organization

    We have been drawn

    For its unity we do now long

    It teaches us what's wrong

    And how to remain strong

    No sinners here belong

    All other religions are false

    To our God's organization

    We now belong

    We're the best thing since

    The Mobile-Dawn

    To our God's organization

    We now belong

    Its anointed men

    Can ne'er be wrong

    Millions living still alive

    From 1925

    Six thousand years went by

    "This generation" will not die

    It now overlaps with many

    Who'll see the end

    We'll loyally stay Jehovah's friends

    How spirit-directed

    Your organization is!

    A safe place for us

    To raise our kids

    Abuse unverified

    As the wicked call out lies

    Brother, that infant there cries

    Would you mind?

    Escort them back outside!

    To our God's organization

    Goes all the praise

    We'll serve faithful in it all our days!


  • Joliette

    I'm gonna see if I can get P-Diddy to produce that song!

  • No Room For George
    No Room For George

    bruh............... lol.............bruh, what's going on with you? You're on a roll.

  • sd-7

    Well, I go to bed listening to Kingdom Melodies these days, so...this was the only version that didn't violate Posting Guideline #3...


  • Joliette

    Maybe we could have a special appearence from the ghost of Charles Taze, Judge Rutherfraud, and Freddy Franz.

  • Joliette

    Oh maybe Lil Wanye??? LOL.

  • sd-7

    I would think Lil' John would be more suited for this sort of thing. "YEAH! OKAY!"


  • Morbidzbaby

    Erm...why are you listening to Kingdumb Hellodies?? Isn't it a bit like being waterboarded?

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