To the tune of 'To God We Are Dedicated', and a 1, and a 2, and a 3!
To God, by organization
We have been drawn
For its unity we do now long
It teaches us what's wrong
And how to remain strong
No sinners here belong
All other religions are false
To our God's organization
We now belong
We're the best thing since
The Mobile-Dawn
To our God's organization
We now belong
Its anointed men
Can ne'er be wrong
Millions living still alive
From 1925
Six thousand years went by
"This generation" will not die
It now overlaps with many
Who'll see the end
We'll loyally stay Jehovah's friends
How spirit-directed
Your organization is!
A safe place for us
To raise our kids
Abuse unverified
As the wicked call out lies
Brother, that infant there cries
Would you mind?
Escort them back outside!
To our God's organization
Goes all the praise
We'll serve faithful in it all our days!