Churches To Sue State If Taxed Says Renowned End-Time Preacher

by Bangalore 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • Bangalore

    Churches To Sue State If Taxed Says Renowned End-Time Preacher.


  • Balaamsass


  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    The problem with taxing the church business is that they will just pass on the costs to the parishiners customers...


  • Bangalore

    Yes Ghana.


  • WTWizard

    They need to start taxing the sxxx out of religions that have their members peddling littera-trash for profit, that lie about their activities to make them look like they are honest, and that consistently claim to abide by the Bible while practicing things that contradict the Bible they claim to abide by. Any group where the leaders order its members to go by, and teach, their bad doctrines even if you can prove them wrong using their own holy book(s), until the leaders themselves fix it needs to be taxed to the hilt. Any group that has as "career" options for youngsters as full-time service, going to serve at headquarters, and running congregations as a "career" that they need to sacrifice careers that could earn them a living, and then denies it in court needs to be taxed to death.

    I do recognize that legitimate religions also take donations, have people full-time serving them, and have literature that makes them a profit. However, they do not hound virtually everyone to take up this "career(??)". How many Catholics do you see serving as monks? Or, how many Protestants are in missionary work? What about those who become regular members and never do missionary or monastery work? And those who never volunteer to sell their material? None of these legitimate groups will start hounding everyone to do these activities or cut way back on secular activities just so they can have more time to pursue religious activities.

    And, when is the last time you heard a legitimate religion putting out the rubbish that you need to go by, and teach, whatever bad teachings that religion has until it changes them itself?

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