If God is a person then he has a personal Name. That is an arguement that bounces around in my memory like an echo in a metal hallway. "A Name is the most important thing." In fact it's so important that the entire life of a Jehovah's Witness is devoted to the restoration of God's personal Name, Jehovah.
As I sit here and write, my family surrounds me in the city I grew up in. What does the sound of my name bring out in them? In truth: sadness, anger, blind hope and contempt. Every day I have to remind myself that they are not correct. It is a challenge as I believe the fact that they share my blood creates some unexplainable connection. They also have a collective Name: family.
Jehovah's Witnesses focus on the Name's of everything. They compartmentalize reality and the title's of those compartments are actually Names. Another word for Name is Brand and that's the particular word that describes what the Watchtower is much more than the word Name. A Brand is a unique formula that is constantly being added to.
Instead of seeing the reality of the matter my family has chosen a manufactured Brand with a bad name, Apostate, and then assigned my face to it in their minds. That way, they have control which is the ultimate goal. Control over what you may ask? Themselves and their manufactured reality.
The paradox is that humans feel out of control, ever. We are always in control of our own person and that person's choices. Choices define a life.
If a person makes choices based off a Brand then they are actually living their worst nightmare. At that point they become out of control of themselves because they have handed their choices off to some other entity. That is about is "out of control" as one can get.