When I'm bored I look up JW related videos wether it's anti JW or pro JW. I noticed that every time I comment on a video that is anti JW my comment is immediately displayed. But usually when I comment on a video that is pro JW, I get a message that says "Comment Pending Approval". Sometimes I can't even comment on them cause it says "Comments Disabled". Are the JW video uploaders afraid of the public's opinion of their videos? Cause the Ex JWs don't seem to mind people's comments on theirs. Why post a video and not allow comments or only allow certain comments. That's like shoving your beliefs in people's face and then covering your ears and singing "La di la di la! Cant hear you!"
Hey I just noticed something on youtube
by fade_away 3 Replies latest jw friends
Found Sheep
because you're a cult
Because that is how JW's are, they do all the talking. You are expected only to listen and agree.
New Chapter, you hit right on the nail...you listen, they talk.
Because Jehovah said, etc.