Feeling lost and alone

by ghenrymt 7 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • ghenrymt

    I have come to the realization that ultimately, even if we have a support system, we end up in the final analysis facing all of our challenges alone. God and/or our spirit guides and angels may be there, but how would most of us know? Few are the ones who experience direct contact with the spirit realm. And as anyone will tell you, your helpers (human or spirit) won't live your life for you. As adults, we are ultimately responsible for our own fates. We can borrow energy and intelligence from here or there (never knowing for sure if it can be trusted), but as long as we are assumed to be competent, we are the ones who make the big decisions and take the brunt of implementing them - and most of us wouldn't have it any other way.

    The time may come, though, when we look at what a mess we have made of our lives (and how we have contributed to others' doing the same), and we feel like giving up, throwing in the towel - given that we can't start over, and we usually can't undo the consequences of bad decisions (whether those decisions arose from bad motives or not, and I think most of us consistently do the best we can with whatever we have to work with).

    My problems have mounted to the point that I just don't feel that I can handle them anymore. I'd like to have the luxury of having a long cry in the arms of a lover or friend; but my lover is 1,000 miles away, and I am no longer sure to what extent she is really my friend, because I lately I have been finding it easier to share my feelings with other people, who are more available, don't get irritated with me as easily, and are actually willing to listen to my characteristic complaints. That seems to be a large part of the problem. When someone knows you too well, they tend to have less patience with the less pleasant aspects of your self. And unfortunately, my girlfriend thinks that one can ALWAYS get one's feelings under control - although I know of a few times when she has been out of control, and surely appreciated the kind of emotoinal support that doesn't seem to be forthcoming from her toward me right now.

    What is it about becoming lovers that can ruin the most beautiful friendship? I am beginning to think that I should spend the rest of my life in celibacy. I want a woman in my life, and I want a real family. But maybe I blew my one chance at family life, and shouldn't try again. I am getting too old for that sort of thing, anyway, but currently I am in love with a younger woman who already has children.

    So let's be clear about this: The Borg is not to blame. My ex-wife (my worst enemy) is not to blame. I am solely responsible for my plight. Frankly, that makes me a miserable failure. It makes it hard to live with myself, inside my skin, enduring the difficulties I have brought on myself.

    Thrity-plus years in the Borg, trying to learn to think in the twisted, legalistic, and very unrealistic ways that they promote, did me an enormous amount of harm. It set me up emotionally for self-sabotage and very nearly self-destruction, and it prevented me from following my heart when my heart was right, and from following my mind when my mind was right, Instead, I "trusted in Jehovah" by listening to their bullcrap, which led me down the garden path to my own destruction in this life. Actually, it led me to build a life that was wrong for me, that did not nurture my true self, and then to destroy that life and put myself in a position of virtually no freedom, with what sure looks like little hope of ever realizing my true dreams. And for 30+ years, I was unable to figure out what those dreams were, because they conflicted with "theocracy," and that was something I couldn't accept, so I suppressed them.

    I hope to use a form of hypnotherapy to clear away the garbage thoughts and feelings that clutter my soul, so that I can know exactly what I want (something I'm pretty certain of already, actually) and then plot and execute a strategy for getting it ... even if the path takes 10 or 20 years to traverse. Hmmm, I wonder how mnay people emabrk on new careers in their late 60s, which will be my age if the process takes 20 years. But I would rather be 68 and doing the work I love and was born to do, than 68 and retired from an unsatisfying life as a Borg drone, and in a career that sapped and gradually crushed the essence of my soul.

    Or is that all meaningless drivel, mere words of no consequence or account? I have so often felt hopeless in my life, as if I could never attain reasonable goals. And then, when I attained certain goals, after a few years I found myself very unsatisfied again - as if my goals had been the wrong ones for me. I believe that has truly been the case, and if I hadn't had Borgism constantly frigging with my mind, I might have made better choices and pursued more satisfying goals.

    But I don't know, maybe I just have poor judgment, always have had it, and may likely have it until I die. If poor judgment is my problem, then is there a cure for it? Whence arises poor judgment, when we are of above-average intelligence and reasoning ability? I know that I am smart in some ways, and have tried to use that to my advantage, but being so very very stupid in other ways seems to have more than compensated. It has made it impossible for being smart to do me or those around me very much (or any?) permanent good.

    Thanks for listening, or reading. If I said these things to my loved one, I would just get a lecture, or an expression of disgust - although (or maybe because) she knows the details of all of this very well. Saying them to anyone who is not in a position to provide real help with changing things significantly (and I don't know who would be) seems unproductive anyway, but I like to write and maybe it will be therapeutic somehow.

    Love and regards,

    I would rather live in a world where my life is surrounded by mystery
    than live in a world so small that my mind could comprehend it.
    - Harry Emerson Fosdick

  • pandora

    Have you every heard of Dr. Phil McGraw? He is one of those self-help guru's. A lot of people don't like them, but since I found out about the borg, I have found it helpful to read some of the self-help stuff.
    Well Phil has a theory that you touched on. He says that It is true that we got our selves here. We can blame noone but ourselves. BUT,,,, While that is true, it also means that only WE can get ourselves out of the bad places we are in. It makes sense. If I got me here, I can get myself out of here. The question is, what brought you here. Once you find out what was working against the good in your life and change it or get rid of it, you can then work on going forward into a better part of life.
    It sounds like you have already started to do this. You've eliminated the borg in your life, you have a plan for the future. You're on your way. You just need a little faith. Faith in you! Trust yourself. We live and we learn. Every day is another lesson. While some lessons suck, you have learned from them all. After what we've been through, it can ONLY get better.
    Have faith!
    You are the best person for the job, because you are you.
    And here you have support.

  • flower

    (((((((((((((((big hug)))))))))))))))

    I think you are being too hard on yourself Harry. Yes we as adults all have to make and live with our own choices. But you are wrong to suggest that 'the borg is not to blame' for the path your life has taken. Leaving after so many years in the borg has made many of us unable to make good decisions in life. Many have been unable to make ANY decisions and are stuck in a familiar miserable life. Making decisions is scary for someone who was never given the opportunity. Thinking logically is something all new to us. So we make bad choices and have to live with them. Yes the borg is to blame.

    You said "and put myself in a position of virtually no freedom, with what sure looks like little hope of ever realizing my true dreams."

    As long as you are free from the borg ANY dream you have can come true. The best thing you can do is believe the sky is the limit. I know you feel old and the daily grind gets in the way of progress but I still believe anything is possible. I believe God wants us to be happy after all those miserable years and he knows what will make us happiest and will make a way for us to achieve it. We just need to be keep trying and keep looking so we dont miss opportunities when they come along.

    Youve got the right idea to dream it and then setting goals to put it into action..even if it does take years you will be happier then and now. thats the hardest part for me too. i am frustrated at the fact that i want to do things but am so limited financially that it may take 10 years for me to realize my dream of graduating from college.

    You arent stupid Harry, you were just a dub for a long long time and that makes us a little.....well, wierd :)

    hang in there,


  • Shimmer


    I agree with Pandora, I find Dr. Phil's advice very helpful. Another one is Dr. Richard Carlson, he wrote "Don't Sweat the Small Stuff...and it's all small stuff" and "You Can Be Happy No Matter What" and some others. Excellent books to help lift you out of whatever slump you might feel yourself in. Just know that there are many of us in the same boat as you...you are not alone.


    A sobering thought: what if, right at this very moment, I am living up to my full potential?------------Jane Wagner

  • nelly136

    I hope the cloud lifts for you

  • ghenrymt

    Today is still not a good day. I have the day OFF, and need to earn money to the extent that I HATE having days off. Well, admittedly, one day per week is nice, or at least a few hours here and there.

    I have tried holding it together emotionally. I am still trying. I resorted to talking to the crisis center here. I don't know whether I will get anywhere with that, or how far.

    What I need is an evaluation stating that I have a psychological "excuse" for certain actions I have taken over the past 5 years. I am not sure if "illness" is the right word. Twisted thought patterns due to the harmful influence of JW teachings would do fairly nicely, though I need it to hold up in court, and I doubt the latter wording would be bulletproof in that situation. So perhaps "illness" would be best. Yep, I was mentally ill. It might be a good thing to say that I am STILL mentally ill. Hmm, maybe I AM still mentally ill. That would explain a lot!

    I would rather live in a world where my life is surrounded by mystery
    than live in a world so small that my mind could comprehend it.
    - Harry Emerson Fosdick

  • Tatiana

    Hi George! Nice to see you here. I know you from another board. I wish it was under happier curcumstances. I'm sorry you are having such a difficult time. I know firsthand the feelings of second-guessing yourself about almost everything. I still have a hard time navigating through this world. As witnesses, we weren't taught the basics of doing that. After all, it wasn't going to be around much longer, right?

    But I don't know, maybe I just have poor judgment, always ahve had and would had, and will have until I die. If poor judgment is my problem, then is there a cure for it? Whence arises poor judgment, when we are of above-average intelligence and reasoning ability? I konow that I am smart in some ways, and have tried to use that to my advantage, but being so very very stupid in other ways seems to have more than compensated. It has made it impossible for being smart to do me or those around me very much (or any?) permanent good.
    I empathize with what you are saying. I don't know what the answer is. Not much help, but maybe talking to that lawyer (yebb?) will be. It seems you have a struggle ahead. It won't be easy. But, cleaning away the garbage and starting over might be the answer. Wipe the slate clean. Not as easy as it sounds, but doable.

    Take care......George.......


    If you bury the truth under the ground, it will but grow, and gather to itself such explosive power that the day it bursts through it will blow up everything in its way.--Emile Zola, J'accuse

  • ghenrymt


    Thank you for posting your kind reply.

    This morning I spoke with an attorney in Florida, who after hearing my story, chuckled and said, "Sounds like a difficiult case. You need to pay the purge [$1500 fine] so that the court will hear your petition for downward modification." Since I can't pay the purge, it looks like the only alternative will be spending 90 days in jail. And beyond that, there is the threat of Federal criminal prosecution, with the possibility of a more extended prison term if I am convicted.

    One interesting thing about this is, I may be a "criminal" in the eyes of the law, but I am not in the eyes of society. I base that assertion on the fact that dozens of people I have talked with have expressed sympathy for me, and the thought that what is being done to me is outrageously unjust. If our lawmakers truly observed or cared about the will of the people, instead of the will of lobbyists and special interest groups, then insanity like this would not be allowed or promoted by the system.

    I submit that what is truly criminal here is not what I have done, but what is being done to me.

    Whether I am to be considered a criminal or not, I did what I did with the best of intentions, and the evident erronesness of my judgment (for which I am being criminalized) was based on the Borgish, and in some cases genuinely Biblical, beliefs and principles with which I had programmed myself to operate. Perhaps unfortunately, the Borg cannot be held criminally liable for their detrimental influence that prompts many people to say (as one of my friends succinctly puts it), "it ruined my life."

    At least, they have not been held criminally liable yet. Maybe Tallulah on the other board has a good idea regarding a class action suit, although putting an effective one together would be a monumental job, since people's lives have been ruined in so many different ways by the insidious monstrosity of this religion. My case is probably a bit of an oddball, though maybe not as odd as I tend to think.

    In any event, I feel resigned to whatever happens. Maybe working in a school, eating their institutional food and being a part of the institutional atmosphere again after so many years, is God's way of preparing me, in little ways, for prison life. Maybe my separation from my girlfriend, and our not-very-satisfactory long-distance relationship, is God's way of prying apart as gently as possible, so that when the separation becomes more complete and is enforced by the government, it will hurt less. And maybe my surmise that we were intended to be together for life was wrong, and we were only to serve certain purposes in one another's lives for a brief period. I am prepared to accept all that, should it prove true.

    By the way, I edited my original post, just to clean up some of the typos and such. None of the meaning was changed.

    Well, that's what's happening. Cheers.

    Love and regards,

    I would rather live in a world where my life is surrounded by mystery
    than live in a world so small that my mind could comprehend it.
    - Harry Emerson Fosdick

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