When I started posting here,I wasn't angry or bitter. I had not been through a JC. And I wondered why some here couldn't let go of the anger.
But,after reading what many have gone through,because of the relgion,I understand. And I find myself at times full of resentment and anger.
I really don't like feeling this way. Most of the time,I'm a pretty laid back person.
But,being raised in the religion,with little choice but to conform to it,and especially the wasted years...
And there is the fact of family that are hardcore,and being around them breaks my heart.
And there is nothing I can say or do that would wake them up,unless they are ready. I know that just a few years ago,that any time someone was negative about the organization,elders,etc,left me on the defensive.
Plus,I'm not ready to be an open apostate. If I didn't have family in,I think I'd write the DA letter. But,so far,the elders haven't bothered me. I guess,it's lucky,they don't really care at all.
And I'm angry that some do judge me and assume,but never really cared enough to ask why.
I don't plan on wasting too much time in this stage,because I can't let this cult take away any more of my life than it already has,that is the worst part of all. My life has been wasted. But,hopefully,I learned something from the experience,and it won't leave me bitter entirely.
I can't let them win.