I was reading an article from the Awake on spousal abuse, and something else caught my eye.
"The Bible long ago foretold that during “the last days” of this system of things, many would be “abusive,” with “no natural affection,” and “fierce.” (2 Timothy 3:1-3; TheNewEnglishBible) The prevalence of spouse abuse is simply another indication that we are living in the very time period designated by this prophecy. But what can be done to support victims of physical abuse? Is there any hope that batterers can change their course of behavior?"
Spousal abuse is proof we are in the "last days"? REALLY? I know we have discussed at length how JW's point to everything, good and bad, as proof---but doesn't this seem to be more of a stretch than usual? Or maybe it just resonates with me more than the other crap. How shocking that the world has deteriorated SO MUCH that ONLY NOW do we have a prevalence of spousal abuse.
I wonder what things have struck others as completely ridiculous in this area.