A Challenge

by LoneWolf 0 Replies latest jw friends

  • LoneWolf

    A Challenge

    And now for the Totchwower spies and their masters:

    Please note two things: The suggested court petition mentioned at the end of "The Uniter - Part 2", and the elements within it.

    If indeed you are Jehovah's servants as you endlessly claim and attempt to force your followers to acknowledge, then YOU should be the ones who should speak up for Jehovah in that heavenly court. If you do not, then you are telling everyone in heaven AND on earth that you are not Jehovah's servants and have no loyalty to Him. Instead, you will be telling them that you are cowards and that you are ashamed of your Creator. (Mark 8:38)

    This is especially true when the major pieces of the puzzle and even the main elements of that petition have been handed to you on the proverbial silver platter. For your convenience, here they are again:

    1. "The Uniter - Part 1" http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/jw/friends/216396/1/The-Uniter-Part-1-It-was-sent-with-my-Declaration-of-War
    2. "The Uniter - Part 2" http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/jw/friends/219042/1/The-Uniter-Part-2
    3. "Satan's Achilles' Heel" aka "Satan - The little piss-ant panty-waist 'god'" http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/jw/friends/216795/1/Satan-The-little-piss-ant-panty-waist-god
    4. "Answer to DTRT - Part 1" http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/jw/friends/217242/1/Answer-to-DTRT-Part-1
    5. "Answer to DTRT - Part 2" http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/jw/friends/217479/1/Answer-to-DTRT-Part-2
    6. "Answer to DTRT - Part 3" http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/jw/friends/217690/1/Answer-to-DTRT-Part-3
    7. "Answer to DTRT - Part 4" http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/watchtower/beliefs/217937/1/untitled-topic
    8. "A Role for Humankind" aka "The Importance of Freedom of Thought" http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/jw/friends/216507/1/The-Importance-of-Freedom-of-Thought
    9. "What Happens When We Die" http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/jw/friends/218492/1/What-Happens-When-We-Die

    If you can improve on these, please do so.

    Now, while I certainly have an opinion of you, I am not so foolish as to claim to be able to pass judgment on you in Jehovah's name. Therefore I am not going to submit that petition - yet. I'm going to "hang fire" for a short while to give you a chance to live up to what you say you are. Why? Two reasons:

    In order to give you enough rope to hang yourselves and/or prove me wrong in my opinion of you, and....

    Because there are two more pieces of the puzzle that I wish to explore before I do that, in order to have a more complete picture of what Satan has done.

    The first is the role of science in Jehovah's plans. A brief idea of that would be as mentioned back in "The Uniter - Part 1", in that apparently Jehovah had intended for mankind to regulate the earth's atmosphere in such a way as to maintain the water canopy. Satan, in his role of overseer, refused to do his job of imparting the knowledge necessary for us to do that, with disastrous results.

    Remember Genesis 1:28? "Further, God blessed them and God said to them: 'Be fruitful and become many and fill the earth and subdue it, and have in subjection the fish of the sea and the flying creatures of the heavens and every living creature that is moving upon the earth.'"

    Please note that "subduing the earth" is mentioned separately from the instructions about the animals, thereby suggesting that part of what we should "subdue" could be the physical planet itself. Ask yourself this: would Jehovah want Adam and Eve to follow his instructions to make the earth into a paradise, only to destroy all of that work with The Flood? No? Then would this not indicate that mankind would have been given enough knowledge of atmospheric science to prevent it and thereby retain the greenhouse conditions?

    Furthermore, if they were to "subdue the earth", would other natural disasters such as hurricanes, tornados, earthquakes, and tsunamis be allowed to wreck havoc as they do now?

    And what about the animals and other living things? Right now we are barely scratching the surface in animal husbandry and other such sciences.

    So while we think we're pretty smart in this day and age due to our level of scientific knowledge, in actuality, what we have is only a drop in a bucket compared to what we would have had if Satan hadn't screwed things up. Even what we have now, we had to scrape together by our own efforts, with no assistance from anyone.

    Right now, we only have enough scientific knowledge to give us an inkling of how much is available but hasn't been touched yet. Imagine what we could have if our heavenly father was teaching us! As the last half of Isaiah 11:9 says: ". . . because the earth will certainly be filled with the knowledge of Jehovah as the waters are covering the very sea." These possibilities stun the mind.

    The second item is even more fascinating. It was only after Adam and Eve ate the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and bad that they became aware of being naked. Nearly all religious teachings condemning human sexuality have been predicated on this one incident, for the first thing that happened after eating the fruit was their horrified realization that they were naked. The conclusion most people will jump to is that being naked is wrong.

    But is it? Perhaps we should look at this a little closer. Think of it this way:

    After Adam and Eve were created (Gen. 1:27) Jehovah made a proclamation. "After that God saw everything he had made and, look! It was very good. . ." (Gen. 1:31) This was said in spite of the fact that they were naked at this time.

    The record enlarges on this: "That is why a man will leave his father and his mother and he must stick to his wife and they must become one flesh. And both of them continued to be naked, the man and his wife, and yet they did not become ashamed." (Gen. 2:24-25) The question before the house is "Why on earth they would feel ashamed in the first place"? After all, they are married, they are the only people on Earth, and they have been given the commission to "Be fruitful and become many and fill the earth. . ." (Gen. 1:28) How are they supposed to do that without seeing each other naked?

    There's a further concern here. Who would be so arrogant as to claim that this is bad after Jehovah had declared it was "very good"? (Compare Acts 10:15) What would anyone hope to gain by saying such a thing? We know that Jehovah didn't change his mind and decide that they should now wear clothes, because Adam and Eve were the ones who took the initiative. (Gen. 3:7) Note what Adam said when Jehovah was looking for them, ". . . I was afraid because I was naked and so I hid myself"

    Jehovah's answer, "Who told you that you were naked?" pretty much precludes the idea that He was the one who suggested it was wrong. Moreover, it doesn't stand to reason that Adam and Eve came up with the idea on their own, for none of the other animals have clothes, thereby giving them a precedent to go by. That doesn't leave many other sources available.

    Sure, they ate of the tree of the knowledge of good and bad. But how does that work? Most of us have heard people condemn Jehovah for creating it, but there is one possibility that hasn't occurred to most of us. The things that Jehovah makes are useful, and are meant to be used. Could it be that the tree of the knowledge of good and evil is like that too, but that it's use is complicated enough that no one should use it without training, and it was therefore banned until that training could be given? If so, then Satan's words caused our forebears to jump the gun. They exercised that faculty without the proper training, and jumped to an erroneous conclusion due to their inexperience.

    Would Satan want to do that? Yes, because it would advance his cause. He has arranged things so that the only way that his rebellion could be successfully counteracted would be with the use of an answer from us human beings. Sabotaging our unity would go a long way towards his goal of screwing us up enough to keep us from forming one. It would be easy to do, too. An askance glance, a snide joke, a raised eyebrow, or any of a thousand other things could make Adam and Eve self-conscious and ashamed of their nakedness.

    We see the same process today. Tease a young girl about her freckles and she will grow to hate them and go through all kinds of agony to get rid of them. Point out someone's red hair and they will hate it and try to hide it or change it to a more "acceptable" color. Do we even need to mention skin color?

    Transforming the naked body from something that is beautiful, clean, and healthy into something that is shameful and dirty would transform everything related to it into shameful and dirty things too. That would include everything having to do with human sexuality.

    "Divide and conquer", as the saying goes. We've already covered this in regards to different tribes, nations, languages, etc., but what more fundamental division could he make than to skew the natural man/woman relationship into something that it was not meant to be? By that one small thing alone Satan transformed Jehovah's beautiful, clean, and upbuilding blessing into something dirty and shameful, and nearly destroyed the unity that we should have with our mates.

    It only takes a small amount of computer programming to make a computer virus that will totally mess up any computer it gets into. Likewise, our "programming" was messed with, and organized religion has been the prime vector Satan has used to maintain and spread this "virus" to all of humanity.

    If this be the case, then what would human sexuality and our relationships with the opposite sex be like, with that shame and vulgarity removed? This is what I wish to explore further before telling the Totchwower knuckleheads to take a hike and then do their job for them.

    Sooo - you Totchwower officials: There it is. You will give an answer whether you wish to or not. The only choice you have is which answer it will be.

    Will it be the Apostate's Answer where you continue to sit on your dead butts, stick your snouts in the air and maintain a hostile silence while basking in your imaginary dignity and holiness? Do that and you make my day, as well as make my job easier. You will have passed judgment on yourselves and forfeited any claims you have maintained that you are serving Jehovah. I won't have to say a word.

    Or will you actually try to give Jehovah an answer as he requested us to do in Proverbs 27:11?

    Make your minds up, but don't take too long. I'll be exploring the two subjects mentioned above, but once that is done I'll be refining my answer to Jehovah and publishing it. After that it will be too late, and you will be exposed to the world as nothing but snotty-nosed little brats that are full of hot air. You, as well as your master Satan, will be the laughingstock of the universe.

    P.S. This, "A Challenge" will be copied along with "The Uniter - Part 2", and be distributed as an open letter to the same parties the previous open letter was sent to. http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/jw/friends/216287/1/Declaring-War

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