To be a successful prophet, you have to have the correct interpretation of that prophecy. When you do all falls in place. Let's compare.
1925 used to be adate the WTS focussed as a possible date for the millennium to begin. They were assuring some that 70 jubilees of 35000 years would end that year. This was later discovered to be based on false chronology about 1000 years too early so they dropped it. but the 70 jubilees prophecy is something that needs fuilfillment. The correct fulfillment is the first the length of a jubilee period. Instead of 50 years, it is only 49, the first year of the next 49. This means the period to look at is 3430 years, not 3500 years.
The messiah arrives to fulfill the 70th week and so the 70th week of this 3430 period would mark also the end of 1290 days. So when did this happen? The 1290 days ends the "gentile times" and the gentiles times continued until November 30, 1947 when the Jews officially had a homeland again and thus came out of exile. So 1947 is the true end of 1290 days, but also the beginning of the final 70th jubilee week of 49 years from 1947-1996.
In that case the end of the 70 jubilees ends in 1996 and begins in 1435 BCE. That means the Exodus occurs in 1386 BCE, 49 years after 1435 BCE. If we check chronology, Kathleen Kenyon confirms, partially based on C14 dating, that the fall of Jericho by Joshua occurred between 1350-1325 BCE. Jericho falls 40 years after the Exodus and thus in 1346 BCE. 1346 BCE falls between the archaeologically confirmed date for the fall of Jerusalem between 1350-1325 BCE. To confirm this is the correct dating, 40 years earlier the Exodus would fall at the end of the reign of Amenhotep III and the beginning of the reign of Akhenaten. Akhenaen dropped the false gods of Egypt and became a monotheist because of the ten plagues. So we have a wonderful confirmation from archaeology for the date of the fall of Jericho by Joshua as well as the 10 plagues occurring 40 years earlier!
The return from Babylon begins a period of 490 years ending in 36 CE and thus occurs in 455 BCE. This contradicts curring secular chronology. There's a conflict. Secular chronology dates the 1st of Cyrus to c. 537 BCE rather than 455 BCE, an 82-year discrepancy. Yet when you date the 1st of cyrus to 455 BCE, then the 70 years of exile of the last deportees begins in 525 BCE. The VAT4956, an important astronomical text in the form of a diary, was created to hide and save cryptic references to the original timeline while being "politically correct" otherwise. Thus most of the references in the VAT4956 match 568 BCE for year 7 of Nebuchadnezzar. But the hidden references in Lines 3 and 14, which are "errors" of one day for 568 BCE, match the original dating of 511 BCE. Now is that a coincidence? No. The VAT4956 confirms that 511 BCE was the original year 37 of Nebuchadnezzar. In that case, it means year 23, the last deportation, occurs in 525 BCE, just as the Bible confirms. It also confirms the fall of Jerusalem in 529 BCE, in which case the 2nd coming would occur in 1992.
Of course, if the 70th jubilee begins in 1947 and ends the 1290 days, then the "1335 days" prophecy for the 2nd coming would occur in 1992, meaning Jerusalem must all in 529 BCE if the "1335 days" prophecy is correct. So you have amazing harmony between archaeoalogy, astronomy and the Bible for some of these ancient dates. But what's more, for the elect, the messiah has to literally return sometime in 1992-1993, which for them, seeing the sign of the son of man appear, is confirmed by the actual event of the second coming. But they expect the correct thing. Not some 50-foot Jesus calling the elect up to heaven like some expect. No. The second coming requires Christ to return in the line of Joseph in the body of an imperfect member of the elect. That's why the second wave offering is with leaven but the first without. Leaven represents sin and so the second coming finds the messiah in a sinful body.
Whomever is chosen as the messiah would "beat the nations with an iron rod" and with the "long sword of his mouth", meaning he would have to preach in some setting. His preaching would be long-winded, which reflects the long sword of his mouth. But he would have the truth and criticize false teachers like the WTS.
So for those looking for the true messiah, at the right time, under the right circumstances, they see the fulfillment of prophecy. But if you don't have the correct dating or the correct interpretation, then it seems the prophecies are not fulfilled.
So 99% of modern-day pophets, indeed, will not get it right. But when you have the correct understanding, then Jesus' prophecies and those of Daniel all come true and have supporting secular evidence in astronomical texts, archaeology, and even C14 dating!