Please can someone direct me to a link of a PDF version of the brochure When Someone You Love Dies.
Many thanks!
by daveysmithy30 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Please can someone direct me to a link of a PDF version of the brochure When Someone You Love Dies.
Many thanks!
It's on
Go to the Downloads tab - it's under "Books and Brochures".
EDIT: I looked again - they only have the audio version there. I didn't see a PDF. Sorry.
1994 When Someone You Love Dies-PDF * * * Atlantis
"The file you are trying to access is temporarily unavailable. Please try again later."
Here is the 2005 version.
(provided for research purposes only).
Thank you everyone for the links! Very much appreciated! Thank you again.
Hello, if anyone still has this brochure on PDF can I have the link please
many thanks
You have a PM, Naeuca.