Tripped across this classic post while surfing "the best of" Craigslist:
Originally Posted: Tue, 10 May 07:43 CDT
Seeking pious individuals for the coming rapture on May 22nd, 2011 - m4mw
Date: 2011-05-10, 7:43AM CDT
I am an atheist seeking friends who are pious and who will be wisked away for the rapture that kirk cameron says is coming may 22nd 2011. I will take care of your pets while you are gone. I am a very kind and loving person who loves animals. Also i get to keep all your stuff because you won't need them as you will be in rapturous bliss basking in the love of the great creator. I, however, will need your stuff since I will be trapped here on earth with all the rest of the unclean, deniers, and cravens. I will probably try to barter all your worldly possessions for guns or food or maybe women. Unless you have a truck and a cowcatcher. I will keep those and make a killmobile which will greatly increase my chances for survival in a world with no rules and no god.
no weirdos please. ----------------------------------------- JV