Father Says Daughters' Actions Led To Their Deaths
by Bangalore 4 Replies latest jw friends
Fuck him! May he get raped in prison.
Aussie Oz
Reading between the lines and playing devils advocate for a moment...
Just because he thought they deserved to die does not mean he did it, what if the mother of the three did a murder suicide? Some of the Muslim women can be a hard as the men when it comes to this whole family honor stuff. She could easily have been the one to 'do it', the injuries reported on the girls heads could also have been caused in struggle or banging heads on glass to try to get out of the car...
Perhaps he knew what was going to go down and did nothing to stop it. Perhaps his first wife felt it was up to her...who knows.
I deplore the mans attitude and the religion itself, and if he did it deserves to fry, but not for thought crime.
A tragic end to four lives and what could have been 3 fun futures.
That is the kind of dogmatic statement that a jw would say. When a bad thing happens to a jw, it's Satan attacking. When the same bad thing happens to an ex-jw, it's deserved.
Canada needs to rethink its stand on multiculturalism.