There has been a lot of discussion here about the succession of world powers and where we are now in the timeline of things especially when compared to scriptural prophecies.
Of interest is Daniel's interpretation of the dream that King Nebuchadnezzar had of a large image recorded in Chapter 2:40
"And as for the fourth kingdom, it will prove to be strong like iron. Forasmuch as iron is crushing and grinding everything else, so like iron that shatters, it will crush and shatter even all these. 41 And whereas you beheld the feet and the toes to be partly of molded clay of a potter and partly of iron, the kingdom itself will prove to be divided, but somewhat of the hardness of iron will prove to be in it, forasmuch as you beheld the iron mixed with moist clay. 42 And as for the toes of the feet being partly of iron and partly of molded clay, the kingdom will partly prove to be strong and will partly prove to be fragile. 43 Whereas you beheld iron mixed with moist clay, they will come to be mixed with the offspring of mankind, but they will not prove to be sticking together, this one to that one, just as iron is not mixing with molded clay."
Those few verses prove to be quite insightful.
1- The fourth beast (legs of iron of the image) was non other than Rome.
2- The feet and toes were of iron and molded clay. Notice that the same metal "iron" still runs in the feet, as opposed to the previous powers that were represented by different metals, ie gold, silver and copper. Also Daniel states in Dan 2:41 that the kingdom itself will prove to be divided, thus it is Rome that will end up being divided.
That actually did happen when Rome split into two empires the western part had Rome as its capital and the eastern part that had Constantinople as its capital. Then Rome was sacked and later Constatinople fell to the Turks. After that a long succession of lesser Roman Empires began to emerge starting with the Holy Roman Empire under Charelmegne in France.
3- The kingdom is strong and fragile represents the many nation states that sprung from the domain of the Roman Empire, yet still retaining many Roman characteristics, such in their language, laws, government and armies. If we look at the history of Europe post the initial Roman Empire, we find states such as France, Holland, England, Germany, Austria/Hungary, Italy, Belgium, Spain, Portugal etc. where at one time or another, they proved to be strong and sometimes fragile. Today, the USA which is an offshoot from european powers, and considered by many geopolitical analysts as a current "european" power, can be compared to iron versus Holland, Belgium, Portugal compared to clay as an example.
4- Clay repesented mixture with the offspring of mankind, can be an indication that the modern states are increasingly governed by democratic (public) process as opposed to kings, Emperors and Ceasars.
5- Iron not mixing with Clay. Eurpean history is proof positive, that all attempts, so far, to reunite Europe had met with disaster, not to mention a couple of world wars.
6- Of course, we are now awaiting the final part and that is the cutting out of the stone without hand and the destruction of the whole image.
Those who question the extent to which Roman characteristics still permeates our western world need not look further than the use of latin in our everyday language. Here is an interesting article from the Independent
Those living in the US can go and check the many local and federal government and military insignia, emblems and flags and see the amount of latin used. The very government institutions such as the legislative bodies such as Congress and the Senate, the Judicial and the executive branches show clear Roman influence. Those who study law become acutely aware of the influence of the Roman Empire.
Yes, the Roman Empire is still alive and well in our language, our culture and our institutions.
Nevermind the many critics who question the authenticity of the book of Daniel, for anyone to write, centuries in advance, about such developments is quite remarkable.