Letter About Bulgarian Blood Transfusion Issue

by Bangalore 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Bangalore

    Letter About Bulgarian Blood Transfusion Issue.


  • Bangalore


  • metatron

    If any of you are familiar with this case, then this letter explicitly confirms that the Watchtower Society lied to European officials.

    They said the transfusion issue was "without sanction" to officials - and then discuss disfellowshipping in this letter

    This is hard evidence of deliberate, conscious lying by the Watchtower in a very serious matter.


  • Weana

    @metatron: No, you are not right. They did never say that "the transfusion issue" would be "without sanction." They said that anyone is allowed to get medical treatment without sanction. This was necessary as in some European countries church propaganda led to the accusation that JWs would deny any medical treatment.

    The ambigous wording of the agreement between JWs and Bulgaria was a win-win-situation for both side: JWs did not explicitely declare to change their policy; and Bulgarian authorities could officially recognize JWs according to European Human Rights standards without losing their faces.

  • rebel8

    I don't think that's what they agreed to with the gov't of Bulgaria.

    ETA: Here is the agreement. Clearly they are sanctioning people.

    2.1. - Jehovah's Witnesses patients routinely use to medical care for themselves and their children, it is up to each of them to use his free will, without any control and sanction on the part of the applicant;

  • Gayle

    Uninformed people do not see that an announcement made to a group that an individual "is no longer a member of "a such and such 'club.' (group) No one would understand that to mean anything more than a non-treatening bit of info.

    However, that announcement has a ton of implication within the WTS, requiring members to never talk with their friend, nor relative (including grown children, siblings, aging parents or grandparents). I wish the Bulgarian country would see through the WTS double talk. Maybe some day.

  • metatron

    Oh My...... A Watchtower Apologist suddenly materializes out of nowhere! And some of you think this site isn't monitored !

    The Watchtower was very embarrassed by this whole mess and didn't want to comment on it. If you called to ask them about it, they dealt with it by letting you hang on the phone for extended periods and then checking to see if you were still on the line while discussing who would answer the questions! The 'general medical treatment' explanation WAS NOT OFFERED !

    Sorry, but this 'general medical treatment' explanation is long after the fact. The Bulgarian government was explicit in asking about blood transfusion especially in regard to children. The Society was publically embarrassed in England and parts of South America (and other places) by the explicitness of what they agreed to. Plow thru Lee Elder's site to get deep into the deception/documents, if you wish.

    I can remember long arguments (worthy of Bill Clinton) as to how "without sanction" didn't apply to disassociation - which the Society used INSTEAD of using "disfellowshipping" as they did to disguise excommunicating people who joined the Army or a political party. It was a deception possibly invented by Fred Franz himself to avoid legal trouble (as with this).


  • rebel8

    No, you are not right. They did never say that "the transfusion issue" would be "without sanction." They said that anyone is allowed to get medical treatment without sanction.

    weana, I don't follow your reasoning. It appears you are separating blood transfusions from the broader category of medical treatment. They are not 2 distinct categories. Rather, transfusions are a type of medical treatment.

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