Interview Needed- Anyone willing to help?

by madeleine 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • madeleine


    My name is Madeleine. I am working on an assignment for my religion class, in which I am to interview a Jehovah's Witness. I have written up some questions already, so all I would need you to do is to answer them. I have been studying why Jehovah's Witnesses do not belief in the use of blood transfusions etc. Many of the questions relate to that, but there are also some general questions about the religion. If you are interested in being interviewed through email, please email me at [email protected]

    Thank you!

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    OT but Madeleines are my favorite French pastries and Madeleine with the nuns and school girls is my favorite children's book.

    Do you realize this forum is designed for peoplel angry enough with the Witnesses that people come here just to vent and find out more information? This forum is very broad. All types of people and issues. Yet our experiences as Witnesses are almost universal.

  • 00DAD

    Madeleine, Hi and welcome to JWN.

    Most of the contributors here are either ex-JWs or wannabe ex-JWs, meaning they are still attending meetings and going through the motions to avoid being disfellowshipped and shunned.

    If you want to know some FACTS about what JWs believe, go to It is an excellent sight published by Paul Grundy.

    If you want to know what the WTBTS currently publishes, go to That is the "Official Website of Jehovah's Witnesses."

    If you want to know what a real-life active JW believes, then get thee to a local Kingdom Hall. That's what they call their churches. You can find one in the yellow pages where ever you live. Of course you may actually end up with a wannabe ex-JW and not a "True Believer tm ". But if you interview them at the Kingdom Hall they'll play the part and tell you the current party-line and you'll never know the difference. Interesting isn't it!



  • cedars

    Hi everyone

    Madeleine has given me the honour of being the subject for the interview. I am, after all, still a Witness!

    I shall endeavour to convey things as fairly and factually as possible!


  • ABibleStudent

    Welcome madeleine to JWN. I hope that you mention in your paper that the WTBTS is more a publishing and distribution corporation that uses thought reform techniques to enslave JWs to distribute its literature. You might want to read Steve Hassan's books (i.e., "Combatting Cult Mind Control" and "Releasing the Bonds: Empowering People to Think for Themselves") or visit his website at to help differentiate between a religious organization and an dangerous cult masquerading as a religion. You might get an A+ from your teacher by including a paragraph about how to differentiate between a religioun and a dangerous cult.

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • madeleine

    Thank you very much for your help everyone! I did not realize this website was mainly for ex Jehovah's Witnesses and wannabe ex Jehovah's Witnesses, however I think this will work very well, maybe even better than I thought! Thanks :)

  • Larsinger58

    Welcome Madeleine. We all here would love to get your repsonse to what you learn about JWs and the blood issue, and that you publish your responses.

    I will note that even though many here are ex-JWs since they find freedom of expression here, not allowed on any official "JW site", most of us know what the beliefs are and can give you those answers, even if we don't maintain them ourselves.

    Best wishes.


  • mouthy

    Welcome Madeleine.....Good luck in your interview.

    Jehovahs Witness religion is a cult. I was one for 25plus years.
    They kill more folks than Jonestown did Or Koresh( Waco) did....
    Please really check it out.

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