Kids say the darndest things.

by Open mind 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Cute little story I thought you might enjoy. My teenage, non-true-believing son was recently baby sitting for some JW relatives so they could enjoy a nice evening dining out with my wife and I. The JW parents of the little kids are VERY liberal and we enjoy their company from time to time.

    Anyway, my son had just one ethical dilemma facing him as he contemplated his evening with the kids.

    How was he going to handle the prayer?

    I told him he could ask the kids to say their own prayer if he didn't feel up to it. He decided to offer a watered down, ecumenical prayer. He thanked "Jehovah" for the food, their company and the beautiful day, and concluded "in Jesus name, Amen."

    Here's the funny part. Half-way through the prayer, the little 2 or 3 year old girl interrupts my son's prayer with:


    So my son says, "OK, do you want to finish the prayer?"

    She says, "No, that's OK."

    We all had a pretty good laugh later on as us non-JWs were driving home.


  • Morbidzbaby

    HA that's cute! She knew how it went, but hell if she was going to say it herself! I love that innocent age...where they have an opinion, facts are facts, and they also have no filter LOL.

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    I thnk this shows how the prayers of most JW's reflect the party line and not heartfelt expressions. Remember these gems, "we approach you in the name of your son and our redeemer, Jesus Christ", or "Through the ransom and our redeemer Jesus Christ" and of course, "we thank you for the many blessing we enjoy..." the usual drivel. Kids can hear the repetition and likely miss it.

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Morbidzbaby: "She knew how it went,"

    Yeah, when he first told us, we were thinking "What did you do?!? Pray to Odin? Thor? Allah? The FSM?"

    He swears it was a generic, JW-approved prayer, but after we had time to think about it, our guess is that she's used to her JW Daddy saying the same old boring idiosyncratic catch phrases at every meal, and when my son didn't know the exact same phraseology, she noticed the difference and spoke up.


    edited to add: Just saw wasanelderonce's comments. Yup. Think you nailed it. Giving a family prayer every day really got to be a drag towards the end of my JW days.

  • jam

    Yes they do say the darndest things, so direct.

    My grandson (8yrs.) was drilling me about my experience in

    Vietnam, "Papa did you kill anyone,where shot at, etc."

    I was forunate not to have that experience, but I did

    experience many bomb attacks. My grandson, " so

    is that what happen to your hair, the bombs blew it

    away. His dad, son when you reach Papa age your hair

    will disappear also, and not from bombs.

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    jam: "is that what happen to your hair, the bombs blew it away?"


    Too funny! Thanks for sharing that kid's eye view.


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