After several shots of liquid derived from fermented potatoes (well, gin gives me a headache), I will help you with terminology that dominates the sad, insular world of the "truth"
Privilege - (n.) -an ironic term, carries an opposite meaning. Supposedly something rare and treasured but in the Witness world refers to something you want to avoid, like being an elder, carrying the mics or anything else that they want to sucker you into doing. If you are a newly appointed elder, beware of the Theocratic Ministry School "privilege" as the current one probably wants to 'gift' you with the 'privilege'.
Encourage (v.) - to nag, harrass, bother or verbally manipulate into doing something undesired. Really, do I need to expand on this one?
Certainly (adj.) - another ironic term. Means the opposite and is used to convey conviction about something that is truthfully indefinite, bogus or speculative, as in "Certainly, the End is Soon". See also, "Surely" ( as in 'stop calling me Surely')
Truth - (n.) - as above, this includes outright deception, hype, spin or raw lies that wouldn't mislead a mongrel dog but somehow convince the average Witness
Singleness - (n.) - a condition desired by the married and loathed by those without mates. Notice that those who give the most praiseworthy comments about this state often have a wife and three kids sitting next to them.
Paying attention (n.) - a semi-hypnotized mental state in which you drift off into mindless reverie or fantasy while enduring painfully boring cult-entrancement sessions called meetings. Leads to private thoughts about what would happen if you started screaming obscenities mindlessly or tried to assault that African -American 40-ish sister with the bustline that seems to defy gravity. Can cause Turrette's Syndrome.