
by xelder 8 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • xelder

    If God exists and wants me to love him and view him as a father, then why doesn't he act like it? Why is his book so full of unexplained unfairness? He has no duty to explain UNLESS HE WANTS ME TO LOVE HIM.

    The concept of God as a father totally escapes me. At best, he seems like many human fathers who pass on life, feed there kids, buy them toys, but never really invest love in the kids.

    As far as people in general go, I am a good father. I have a great relationship with my grown kids and also with the grandkids. I try to explain everything I possibly can to help them know me and the world around them. Why doesn't God fully explain himself? Wants me to beg more? My faith is low? How cruel. Why are his "chosen spokesmen" so full of crap?

    People don't want to die. They face mortality and want something else, something forever. They can't explain many things about life and nature and invent a system of beleifs to explain it all. They want others to confirm their beleifs and follow along. (helps feel secure). Some need to direct others to verify their own beliefs. What they can't prove they call faith. To explain immoral acts by God, they invent great long-term purposes of God.

    I much prefer science. I have found theories to be much more worthy than faith. I have found much more honesty and morality in science, (after sorting through religious propaganda about science)

    I have a right to DEMAND an explaination from a father who expects my love and devotion. I am happy to take that to my grave. And will.

  • mouthy

    xelder.... Thanks for sharing your views... I do understand. I myself believe there is a Creator. But like you (I
    do yell at him often) & ask WHY you dont step in when so much hurt is going on.?
    I wish I knew. I dont .But the conclusion I myself has come to is There is also an angel that HAS promised to
    get all the people on earth to turn against God( the Creator) & worship him I do believe he is doing a good job of it..
    He wants the power, He seems to have been allowed to have it at this point.I think just like man over
    woman ( they seem to want the same)
    But just as women seem to in these days seem to be standing their ground against men
    I believe the Creator will in the end take back HIS power...I know this isnt to your liking
    But you know what? I "aint:"in the KH Hall i can say what I bloody well like ....That is why
    my name is MOUTHYexelder

  • xelder

    thanks Mouthy......of course I appreciate your opinion.

    Prove to me that an angel exists, opposed to God, and wants people to worship him. Prove this without relying on words written by people trying to explain why bad things happen....(I consider their thoughts as mere guesses also)

  • Bella15

    Yeap ... you can ask God for explanations ... just this morning I was reading the book of Habbakuk (spelling?) ... He did ask God tough questions, like many other individuals in the bible ... I once asked (yelled at) God, I demanded an explanation for "allowing" my beautiful niece to be sexually abused for 7+ years by a female JW ... for my niece being in a psychiatric hospital totally broken ...(have you ever seen a human with the soul broken? Dead while alive?) I told God it was because of Him, or for trying to find him, please him that first my mom fell for this Watchtower cult. Why He was not there to protect my niece while my sister was going door to door in her blindness preaching him ... why why why ... and I told him NOW YOU FIX THIS ... I remember very well that stormy, gloomy afternoon when I came back from visiting my niece at the hospital, 7+ billion people in this world and during those days it was only my niece and I facing this huge monsters, this despicable evil, it was only me with a 19 year old that had regressed to a 5 year old, how I was going to put my niece back together when she was so broken?, when the pain was so that she used her own nails to try to cut her veins ... I had already found out about the sexual abuse coverage in the WT ... I had already read things about the "truth" that corroborated my doubts since I was a little girl ... I had already felt that pride of knowing that I was right and that God was nothing but a ....(i could fill in the blanks many terms) ... I felt to the ground crying like I have never cried before in my life ... my niece my niece my beautiful niece someone had done something awful to my niece and now she was broken ... oh how I yelled at God ... and told him now YOU FIX HER ... the most beautiful thing happened next ... I felt how my heart grew big, there was peace ... and a voice in my heart (not my mind or head) said SHE WILL BE WHOLE AGAIN ... the greatest feeling of peace came upon me, and the pain and tears went away and I rejoiced because of the the words impressed in my heart ... SHE WILL BE WHOLE AGAIN ... and God has been faithful ... my niece tells me how happy she is now that she can't believe it ... the word "beatiful" has a great meaning to her ... all of her life, because of the abuse, she felt "ugly" ... without me knowing it I always called her and made her feel beautiful ... but recently she started to attend a church with another young friend ... the first time she went she heard the Pastor says that God made a "beautiful" exchange ... His son for us ... when she heard the word "beautiful" she tells me that something in her went "weird", trembling, shaking, her heart rejoicing ... of course now I know it is the Holy Spirit working in her ... for me GOD IS GREAT, GOD IS FAITHFUL ... I don't know why after surviving the Watchtower cult and my niece's ordeal we came out like this PRAISING OUR HEAVENLY FATHER... I don't know

  • lifestooshort

    I like most people go one with their lives not considering the extent of pain and suffering through out man's history, untill I expeirence pain and suffering. I can not fathom why it has continued for so long. I thought I knew plenty about God. Now there is very little I understand about God. To me it appears to be a concept that many are adament about with such great conviction. All of which is ultimately unprovable. I have a lot of why questions about God. I am equally perplexed in peoples claims and covictions regarding God. I do not know.

  • mouthy

    Prove to me that an angel exists,

    Sorry I cant prove it. All I know is I have SO many attacking me..
    I think that power hungry angel is using them.... my kids all died ( except one)
    I have a grandson in Jail (drugs). another two on booze, there was a tenent living downstairs who
    was a drug & booze addict threatened to put me in the hospital because I called the cops
    he kept me awake
    every night at two ,three,four O,clock a.m every night for 4 months ( since been evicted)
    So I do believe that rotton old angel is working on me. BUT!!!! I cannot understand how
    at 84 yrs old I have food in my fridge, a car, can drive,a roof over my head,I think it is because
    I ask Jesus the ONLY WAY for ME everyday!!!!!to help me go on.... I have done so much wrong
    in my life....yet I am still being looked after by an INVISABLE GOD.I didnt see him come in 1914
    ( that is why I got the left foot of fellowship from the WT)...But each his own my love
    we each have to believe as we wish.... Independetly thinking ...

  • xelder

    You are an awesome lady Mouthy, thanks for you comments

  • skeeter1


    Through These Godless Eyes.

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    Uploaded by philhellenes on Aug 12, 2011

  • mouthy

    You are an awesome lady Mouthy,

    No darling !!!!I sure "aint" when we look to ANYONE as being that!!!! They will get puffed up
    I just know what i think....& I understand you completly!!!!!!!

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