Hey wobble!
I have come to intimately KNOW and understand the "god of religion" (Satan the great impostor) by analysing his mean-spirited and effectively supremacist MESSAGE of self-righteousness attained by means of following the supposedly "right" rules (legalism), morals (moralism), doctrines (ethnocentrism) and knowledge (Gnosticism). His followers and family become hypocritical, judgmental, critical and condemnatory of those who do not "measure up", whereas none of us can measure up to a perfect standard.
I have come to intimately KNOW and understand the "god of Abraham" (our heavenly father and his son, my older brother) by analysing their generous and effectively liberating MESSAGE of IMPUTED righteousness, cleanness and sinlessness granted as a free gift which cannot be earned, deserved or paid for. Their followers and family become more generous/liberal towards, and accepting of, all who do not "measure up", since none of us can measure up to a perfect standard.
For me it has been a journey of increasing contrasts between the baby and the bathwater (or the honey and the arsenic):
- faith versus religion
- spirituality versus religiosity
- truth versus religion
- the "good news" versus religion (the "bad news")
- disciples versus religionists
- Rom 3 and 4 versus Matt 23
- IMPUTED righteousness versus DEMANDED righteousness
- inner transformation versus outward window dressing
- worthiness versus unworthiness
It is no accident that no Watchtower religionist (so called "publisher of the good news") has any idea what the "good news" according to Paul is about. Bear in mind that more than half the Bible's 152-odd references to the "good news" are by Paul!
Thank you for listening to my story.
Greetings and best wishes