Rule Brittania! Britain invades Spain!

by expatbrit 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • expatbrit

    Yes it's about time we regained our God-wotsit position with our burden and all. Those jolly perky Americans had better just move on over again, because the Motherland is back!

    The third empire starts with Spain, by jingo!

    Now, where the blazes is my monocle?

    Expatbrit, future governer general of hmmmmm....Florida, I think. Yes, Florida!

  • Simon

    I liked the quote from some Spanish official:

    "In these days of hi-tch weapons and smart-bombs, there is still nothing with more potential for danger than an officer with a map"

  • BoozeRunner

    We "perky Americans" may blow the bejesus outta civies and the wrong troops, but at least we are usually in the RIGHT PLACE!


  • Amazing

    Hi Expatbrit:

    "Yes it's about time we regained our God-wotsit position with our burden and all. Those jolly perky Americans had better just move on over again, because the Motherland is back!
    The third empire starts with Spain, by jingo!"

    I loved it! Your post is excellent! I am surprised that Englishman has not commented yet.

    Simon: "In these days of hi-tch weapons and smart-bombs, there is still nothing with more potential for danger than an officer with a map" Yep!!! But he must have been an American mercinary, because we are known for our lack of geographical abilities.

    Hey Boozerunner ... great point, about the USA being in the right place, even if we wipe out everyone. What we need is British precision, American technology, and Canadian compassion. Then we would land in the right place, get the right people, and out the bad guys in a nice kind Canadian Country Club Prision - for life - and honor their cultural divirsity by giving them 72 virgins before they leave this world...

  • Julie

    ROFL!! Expat, I saw that story hilarious!!! I watched some CNN this morning and they were talking about it, they laughed and talked about how good the British are at apologizing. Also guessed the guys involved ten-twenty years later, in the local pub, they'll probably assert "Well if we'd have had air cover we could have taken it" LOL

    Hail Britannia!

  • LDH

    Ya Sneaky bastards! I saw this on CNN yesterday and my first thought was:

    Is *THIS* why the "Sun never sets on the British Empire?"



  • LDH

    Of course, this doesn't say a hell of a lot for the Spanish Army or whatever the hell their defense system is, LOL.


  • Simon

    Apparently, a couple of local policemen wandered down the beach to inform them they had take a wrong turn while the invasion was taking place.

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