I am writing to a mate who has been disfellowshipped couple of months back to make him think about religion as I have heared he started going back to meetings. It is going to be an anonymous email so suggestions would be welcome!
help with an email
by raxxxx 2 Replies latest jw friends
not sure whether to tackle it from doctrine crap or scriptures ? what do you guys think? really care for that mate and wish he could be toltally set free
Hi raxxxx, I hope that you can help your friend. I wrote about sending friends anonymous emails in this thread: http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/watchtower/beliefs/211893/1/Youe28099ve-Got-Mail-TM, if it helps you.
Why was your friend df'ed? Did he ever confide his doubts to you? I would keep you email short and ask a simple question, like "Did you ever wonder why you felt afraid or tired as a JW?", and then write "Visit www.jehovahs-witness.net to talk with other JWs anonymously or visit www.jwfacts.com to learn why."
Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,