He was in one of the cong. I attended,( southern california, Encinitas and/or Leucadia) and he is wanted since 2004 for child molestation (17 counts)?
Does Anyone Rick Mclean?
by pof 5 Replies latest jw friends
LOL Thats funny, My first Topic and I get it wrong.. Doea Anyone Know Rick Mclean??? Oh Well Get Used To It!!!
zi knre Riock he was in the congregation we were in in Temecula, CA. Even went out with him his wife and children on several occasions. Was really pissed when i found out what kind of person he really was, and even more pissed to learn that the elders knew what he was or at least what he was highly suspected of being and yet they let him go out with others with younger children. Pay back time will come, to those in the know and who did nothing even if the payback is nothing ore than a good ass chewing and an invite to step the fuck outside.
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Aloha ssn My sister lives in Temecula or there abouts, not sure what cong. shes' is in...Anyway just spoke with my brother and and he seems to remember him, I'm sure I'll here back soon. Hope your kids alone with him.. Did he have a brother named Bob?
My children were never alone with him, thankfully, don't remember any of his family members, he was married while he was there had 2 children a boy and a girl who were young. My girls never went out in service with anyone other than me or the wife. i didn't trust anyone with them, and they didn't want to be with anyone except us.