I'm sure this has been brought up before, but how can anyone claim that this is establishing some sort of organization? It's beyond out of context, if you just look at verse 45 or 45-47. It's clearly about the contrast between people who are always behaving themselves and people who will only behave themselves when they think Jesus will return. Among all of the stuff that I've learned after the BF tried to get me interested in JW-ness, this is one of the dumbest Bible quote mining or scripture twisting I've encountered. I guess if you hear it enough, though, you just assume that's what it means. This must be one of the most firmly ingrained verses that people in the religion would have a hard time understanding outside of Watchtower teachings, as much as it's mentioned as the basis for the people needing an organization. I guess it probably wouldn't be a good verse to really delve into with the BF in that regard, huh?
Matthew 24:45-51
by ilikecheese 3 Replies latest watchtower bible
Even a staunch Bible literalist that I met recently, so staunch that he believes the earth was created in 6 literal days, said this, and all the other parables cannot be taken literaly.
Yeah, it kind of baffles me that anyone wouldn't see parables for what they are. Most of what Jesus said was figurative, rather than literal, when he was explaining things. Just a bunch of stories for people to learn from. It's like nursery rhymes for adults.
- It's because we believed what were told...there was no reason to not trust them. Hope was in Jah solving all our problems very soon, that seems to be what our minds were/are focused on. then one day we can see the light and wonder how we did not see it for what it is.