Letters About Earthquakes

by Bangalore 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Bangalore

    Letters About Earthquakes.


  • Bangalore


  • Bangalore


  • Bangalore


  • BroMac

    i dont follow

    so who's writing to who? whats the background?

    what have i missed?

    thanks for the upload bangalore, this caught my attention because of the recent ongoing TMS™ talks on the Last Days™

  • dm6

    yes i agreee with bromac excellent upload it was intriguing to read so i read on.

    but i aslso dont understand? Whos writing who? Whats this about??

  • Larsinger58

    This is another wild goose chase. The reason is because the Greek word translated for "earthquake", seismoi, (Matt. 24:7) is a general term that also applies to other forms of "agitation", such as a tempest or thunderstorm, or an unruly crowd or unstable political conditions. In the context of Matthew 24 where all the other signs noted are people-related, such as the food shortages and the wars, seismoi, here is best translated more directly as "disturbances" or "agitations" in one place after another and understood to refer to social agitations. Thus Matthew 24:7 is really noted that there would be political instability in various places and not earthquakes.

    That's why this is a wild goose chase since Matthew 24:7 is misunderstood and mistranslated as earthquakes and should be translated as "social distress", "social unrest", or "social agitations" in one place after another for the period immediately following WWI. In that case, that is certainly characterizes that period of time which eventually led into WWII.

    Also of note, though not mistranslated, where Matthew says the "love of the greater numberwould cool off," the "greater number" is a reference to the natural Jews, whereas the "lesser number" is a reference to spiritual Jews, specifically JWs. Thus the love of the "greater number" cooling off is a reference to the increase in anti-semitism from 1914 leading up to WWII and the Holocaust.

    Jonsson is out to prove this reference to the increase in "earthquakes" was not fulfilled, pointing to another false teaching of JWs. But the Bible as translated refers to this increase in "tremors" and thus Jonsson actually challenges the Biblical fulfillment, showing there is no particular observable increase in "earthquakes." However, the Bible prophecy is correct and was fulfilled when if translated correctly "tremors" one can interpret that to refer to social or political unrest in various places between 1914 and the beginning of WWII, which is the "great tribulation" in reference for Matthew 24, where the Jews and JWs were targeted by the Nazis, fulfilling the "disgusting thing in a holy place" that disgusting thing which causes desolation to the Jews, exterminating 2/3rds of them as prophesied at Zech 13:8:

    8 “And it must occur in all the land,” is the utterance of Jehovah, “[that] two parts [six million Jews out of nine million] in it are what will be cut off [and] expire; and as for the third [part], it will be left remaining in it. 9 And I shall certainly bring the third [part] through the fire; and I shall actually refine them as in the refining of silver, and examine them as in the examining of gold. It, for its part, will call upon my name, and I, for my part, will answer it. I will say, ‘It is my people,’ and it, in its turn, will say, ‘Jehovah is my God.’”

    Matthew 24:7 is MISTRANSLATED AS "EARTHQUAKES" and should be understood as a reference to social and political unrest or instability in one place after the other. Jonsson is taking advantage of a poor translation in order to show the Bible prophecies were not fulfilled, essentially creating a "sraw man" argument, but it is fulfilled when we option to translate "tremors" in a social or political context, which is done elsewhere in the scriptures.

    OR, if you have advanced spiritual understanding or spiritual minded, you might see Jonsson's references to earthquakes as proof that the word seismoi should be used in a social sense and not refer to earthquakes, since a reference to increased earthquakes is not a credible observation or fulfillment for the time between 1914-1939. So in that case, "thanks" COJ!


  • Room 215
    Room 215

    Larsinger, you may prefer to apply a broader meaning to "seismoi" than generally acknowledged. Without prejudice to the correctness of this broader meaning, the main point is the WT does not; in all of its commentary on the purported sign, the Society consistently limits its application strictly to earthquakes, and in so doing misrepresents the findings of the seismological experts cited above.

  • dozy

    This was the WTBTS quote WT 15th May 1983. They completely pulled the guys quote out of context.

    Some seismologists believe that the earth is now in an active earthquake period. For example, Professor Keiiti Aki of the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology speaks of “the apparent surge in intensity and frequency of major earthquakes during the last one hundred years,” though stating that the period from 1500 through 1700 was as active.

  • BroMac

    thanks for that dozy

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