Serving where the need in greater - and leaving the "truth"

by dozy 8 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • dozy

    A few years ago , a very zealous 30 ish pioneer couple sold up & moved to Central America to serve where the need is greater. They were the classic incredibly "enthusiastic for Jehovah" types who had deliberately not had any family & led a very "simple" life to focus on Kingdom interests. They were very very close & always worked together in the ministry. The congregation had a special meal for them & the congregation even gave them some money to help them on their way. A couple of early letters told of how they both had 20 odd studies & that they were amazed by how enthusiastic the local people were for JWism.

    Having long since lost any contact , one day out of idle curiosity I looked them up on Facebook. Lo & behold , the sister is now a member of a Pentecostal type happy clappy group & the brother has ditched his wife & taken on a 20 year old native woman and clearly from the photographs living a somewhat different lifestyle to what he used to.

    The strange thing is that I know of several JWs that have had similar experiences - all leaving "the truth" in various ways after they moved to foreign lands.

    How common is this , in your experience?

  • alanv

    It does make since. I think the best thing any of us can do is engage in foreign travel if possable. It really opens your mind to what it is really like in other countries.

  • WTWizard

    This also happens when people go to Beth Hell or join the Value Destroyer Training School. When they get a "higher privilege" and find it doesn't make them happier, they then begin to wonder if the whole thing was a scam. Imagine moving to Nigeria from Canada, hoping to get spiritual enlightenment, and instead you find misery. Your needs are not taken care of properly. Pretty soon, you regret doing it since Jehovah is not blessing you with happiness. No, you do not need to move from Canada or England to a country like Australia or New Zealand--moving to a third world country will do just as fine when you find out there is no joy in it.

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    If they are in a land where they are not familiar with the language I'd imagine that the lack of repeated indoctrination would free their minds to think for the first time in many years. Maybe this clarity of thought burst the bubble and they let their libidos go? Also, many stay together because of "the Truth" despite mutual hatred. They might have seen their chance and ran with it.

  • BluesBrother

    Finding yourself in such a strange and new land and cut off from one's family roots must be a test for any marriage .........From what you say, it may be great that they left the Borg, but ..........? I don't know.

    I have heard similar things said about zealous Bro in a Bethel home who leave to marry , and then find it a real struggle outside in the real world. They can go off the rails too.

  • Fernando

    Nothing opens ones eyes to reality like "culture shock" and being on the receiving end of prejudice, ignorance, hostility and venom from your so-called "brothers and sisters" just because your accent and culture are different to theirs.

    Starting afresh in another country outside of ones comfort zone and with a clean slate provides ample opportunity to freely re-evaluate all in the harsh, unbiased and bright light of reality.

    It really pricks the WBT$ bubble, which is why the R&F are discouraged from moving to another land without the benefit of prior authorised and organised indoctrination from the "Gilead Missionary School" or similar.

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    well i guess I was slow... I went to WV the land of nothing..... I now had no friends and in a short story made me leave the "truth" and start living....

  • wolfman85

    FS: "I now had no friends".

    Don't worry!!

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    well thanks wolfman

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