Fearless condemnation of christendom in the Watchtower and Awake seems to have stopped in Europe since incitement to religious and racial hatred laws were introduced ! Please comment
by Martin Harker 5 Replies latest jw friends
But it will be explained away as theocratic strategy. Of course they are cowards!
And welcome to the board!
Welcome Martin. Perhaps one day the JW dogma will become so watered down and generic they will be just like any other religion. That will certainly happen if they continue to let Cesaer dictate to them. I think one strong wave of persecution will reveal that today, many are just going through the motions to keep family and friends. Their myth of "whole-souled devotion" will be debunked and seen as a thing of the past. After reading on this board I now understand that many, many would not accept death--they are simply being bullied to carry the JW name. Like the Mafia.
Theocratic strategy and "politics" (finding favor and approval) and cowardice are all "worldly" concepts which proves Jesus is NOT with them.
"I have given them Your word; and the world has hated them, because they are not of the world, even as I am not of the world". John 17:14
Hi Emma! I'm Nancy
Welcome to forum Martin Harker!
wha happened?
There was a time when the WT really went out of their way to publically condemn most religions. Their artwork in the publications were worthy of a severe beating at times. And it happened.
I doubt they will resort to those tactics in the future. MOst individuals can fact ck now in a way they couldn't back in the day
They also have to careful about remarks made at conventions because there have been incidents in which local gay organizations were monitoring the sessions for hatespeech.