My JW sibling & his family are coming over friday night

by TTWSYF 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs


    So, at my house we have a Christmas party annually. I told my koolaid drinking bro that I'd tone down the xmas part if he and his family would come and they said 'Yes'.

    My parents and other siblings are very merrily shocked.

    My question to this board is....What should I do or say or not do or say to keep the peace should JW topics arise?

    I guess I'm looking for advice to get them to think without scaring them off.



  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    I don't think this is the weekend for getting them to "think ". Let actions speak louder than words ! Just be a family have fun keep it light and enjoyable . Let them see what they are missing .

  • diana netherton
    diana netherton

    I'm in the same situation with my parents. I am just going to tone it down, not

    make a big deal about it. As long as each party understands the other's stance.


    Thanks TM and DN. I was thinking the same thing, but on the other hand, because they did decide to go I [hoped] it might provide another chance to say SOMETHING. Of course, actions do speak louder than words.

    Gratefully yours,


  • ABibleStudent

    Hi TTWSYF. I agree with the other posters. Focus on having fun and building your relationships with your brother. If you want to talk them into something, ask your brother if he would like to plan an outing or vacation with you. Take baby steps to reconnect with him first before asking him questions that may cause him doubts. If you cannot help yourself to ask him a question, than ask him "How are you feeling because you look so tired?" then let him talk about how he feels. If he has doubts about the WTBTS, those doubts will come out and then you ask him more questions about how he feels - never disagree with WTBTS doctrines.

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love and Merry Christmas,



    Great advice, Thank you Robert!


  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I think you need to have a nonthreatening phrase ready to make it clear that the rule for the evening is not family. Otherwise, you are entitled to make your points and the evening will detoriate. Their coming is amazing, IMO.

  • DesirousOfChange

    I don't think this is the weekend for getting them to "think ". Let actions speak louder than words ! Just be a family have fun keep it light and enjoyable . Let them see what they are missing .

    Totally agree!

    Don't start a war -- it's a party!


  • mind blown
    mind blown

    This is really nice...:smile:

    I would not say a word and if they do...unless they want you to show them proof.....I'd side step the whole topic.

    One main family member used to shun me really hard....but as of late....she's being really nice and even conversational.....

    I told her a while ago that I felt something was wrong with the BORG. She responded "so are you saying they are from Satan?" my response "No, I'm not saying they are from Satan. I'm saying, something is wrong with the GB. I believe all other JW's are only doing what they're told...but something is diffently wrong with the GB". She said well, it will all come out in the wash and for now..where am I to go if this is true?"

    Since then, I say nothing to any of my JW's relatives re WTS. They can see by my character, I'm even more loving and kind, then MANY JW's .......and it seems like it's working...on top of the WTS own mishaps with new light......etc........they will eventually figure it out........and if not......I personally feel.......they are adults and if they need that kind of institution in life...then so be it......


    Thanks so much Band, DOC and Mind blown. I know ofcourse that all of you are right. My direct approach has not worked in years, so there's no sense in keeping that tact.

    I must submit to common sense.

    Thank you all for confirming what I knew, but didn;t want to admit.

    Merry Christmas to all!



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