When Cult Behavior Becomes Incoherent

by metatron 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    Sooner or later, fanatical religions run off into all sorts of wildly contradictory behavior, as 'faithfulness' ends up, nakedly, as simple obedience to whoever is charge, without regard to principle.

    So, Catholics ignored free will conversion and killed anyone who wouldn't. Protestants sang 'Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammunition'. Witnesses who nearly proclaimed pacifism, were encouraged to beat Catholic Action disruptors by a WTS president (who accused them of being "pussies"), many years ago.

    Currently, the Governing Body seems to be on a tear to establish their own arbitrary authority, by command. Meanwhile, Witnesses seem to be coming ever more ignorant of the Bible, science, history or critical thinking.

    Sure, there have always been a few nuts in the organization who were gay but "loyal" or perhaps like the pioneer sister who put in 150 hours a month to compensate for the means by which she financed her ministry (!!) - but these were far from being the 'rule'. Most Witnesses were not too different from demagogic or anti-intellectual movements of the day. Rutherford existed in the age of Father Coughlin, Mussolini and quack medicine,

    What I feel about the organization today is that it is rapidly becoming 'unreal'. It is evolving into an utter facade in which any hypocritical behavior is possible, no matter how absurd it might appear, because obedience has largely lost any relation to principle but is now just following orders.

    The fact that your relatives faithfully shun you may not say much about who or what they really are, as people. Private drug use, alcoholism, child molesting, tax evasion, embezzling, porn, financial fraud, and much more are not excluded as possibilities in this context of arbitrary 'obedience' to Watchtower commands.

    In summary, I can only repeat what a few old timers quietly say: "the real gold of the 'truth' is gone". Just following orders is taking its place.


  • snare&racket

    I agree with a few points.

    The religion is false and lies to its people, bare that in mind as i say this next sentance.

    The JW's have lost there spirit. In the 80's it was all fun and excting, a family like atmosphere. Now it is all very business like and cold. This is not by accident, it has come from up top. Fear is the means of fighting a world of information. Its still sad though, to think of fun JW times. Its all gone now..... the cracks are far beyond the foundations. Many JW relatives talk about the desire to leave as it is no longer a nice place to be.

    The Jws was once a shelter for single mothers, troubled souls and alike, it has become nothing more than a religion that hibernates its loyal ones, whilst trying to plug the holes of leakage.

    Long may the leakage continue, information is power.

  • 00DAD

    metatron: Witnesses who nearly proclaimed pacifism, were encouraged to beat Catholic Action disruptors by a WTS president (who accused them of being "pussies"), many years ago.

    Umm, that's an interesting bit of JW History. Could you please elucidate? Thanks!

    BTW, I agree, the current GB have completely lost the thread ... it's really whacked!!!

  • scotoma

    Snare and a Racket: 80's fun? Ray Franz left in 1980 and they really got nutso in the 1980's. They've been crazy ever since the elder arrangement was established in 1972. The time from after WWII until about 1966 was the golden age of American JW's. Not too many rules. Still could party, neck pet, smoke and underage drinking was ignored. Everyone really believed their families would live forever. Big 8 day assemblies where young people could connect. Draft forced all young people to pioneer. Looking forward to 1975 kept everything going a little longer. But after the 1980 apostacy the shine was completely gone along with the really creative people.


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