God's Kid Brother

by JRK 0 Replies latest jw friends

  • JRK


    Are we not the living proof of the idiot God who placed us here
    Are we not his dirty children, his unwashed sons who he holds dear
    Are we not the proof that there may've been another creator

    If this is the ultimate truth, it had to come out sooner or later
    I've looked for the reason why we're here
    I've kept on searching 'til it was clear
    I've looked for excuses-I can find no other
    We must be the product of God's kid brother

    Their ivy halls are closed to us
    We scrape to survive and we taste the dust
    The things that we weren't meant to know
    Are spoke of in places where we can't go
    So don't tell me you still find it hard to believe
    That we were made by a different God

    Are we not the proof that there may've been another creator
    Let's run to the volcano and toss a virgin in the crater

    Maybe there are two Gods
    A perfect God who made all those perfect people,
    And another God who made the rest of us.
    And maybe, just maybe, somewhere there's a heavenly choir
    That sings off key

    We'll dodge our way through life and hope for something greater

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