10 Things on every (honest) Jehovah's Witness' mind going into 2012

by Terry 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • Terry

    1.Any "organized" structure christians might be given by their heavenly Leader would be sort of like a hospital for the weak and sick.

    It would not be a sales contest for hustling and never a pat on the back without a kick in the ass. What hospital kicks the sickest out the door?

    2. Our measure of human happiness should never consist of eagerness to martyr one's self, ignore our fellow man in need, a sense of superiority because we're going to watch the extinction of humanity soon, nor an Absolute Certainty we are right with a history of failure in our previous views.

    3.Human knowlege about life, medicine, science, astronomy, mathematics, physics, chemistry, history is greater and more abundant today than ever before. If you ignore higher education now--who is going to be the most ignorant moron in the room tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow afterward?

    4.Those older publications were "food at the proper time", but, we should NOT read them for proper understanding of God's truth and purpose any more. Since when does God's Truth expire or contradict previous "truth"? Doesn't that only happen when you are guessing?

    5.Humility consists of open willingness to admit mistakes and explain your failures with a promise to NEVER do it again. How humble or valid is it to say

    "At times explanations given by Jehovah’s visible organization have shown adjustments, seemingly to previous points of view. But this has not actually been the case."

    6. A Servant does not tell guests what to eat and when. They wait to be ordered. A Faithful and Wise Servant would hardly keep shouting "Dinner is being served" every day for 97 years and be dead wrong every time- unless they needed to have their crazy ass fired!

    7. Peter denied Christ 3 separate times out of self-regard in the face of danger. Tell me again how any disfellowshipped person is WORSE?

    8. When you hire a coach to get you to the playoffs and win the big game and you lose...lose...lose....do you FIRE him, or, do you keep him on? Well, then, how do you explain Fred Franz being made PRESIDENT after the 1975 fiasco?

    9. Okay, you're telling me what "generation" REALLY MEANS now.....so....um...what the hell was all that other crap YOU SAID IT MEANT for the last

    90 years? You came up with that---HOW exactly???

    10. My mother suffered the pangs of birth so I could live. She fed, me, changed my diapers, held me, dried my tears, taught me right from wrong and was always there for me. Now tell me again what kind of low-life ingrate I WON'T BE if I turn my back on her now because she won't quit smoking….and you just DISFELLOWSHIPPED HER!!

  • Knowsnothing

    10 Things on every (honest) Jehovah's Witness' mind going into 2012

    What? From whose perspective are you writing this? A person that is still JW, but is awakened?

  • exwhyzee
    1.What hospital kicks the sickest out the door?

    They'd say: "Hospitals, for the good of the greater number, quarantine/isolate the sickest and most difficult to cure or incurable patients all the time. "

    5.Humility consists of open willingness to admit mistakes and explain your failures with a promise to NEVER do it again. How humble or valid is it to say "At times explanations given by Jehovah’s visible organization have shown adjustments, seemingly to previous points of view. But this has not actually been the case."

    That's like someone appologizing to you saying " Sorry IF I did or said anything to offend you" This is an appology without really admitting or acknowledging what they did.

    6. A Servant does not tell guests what to eat and when. They wait to be ordered. A Faithful and Wise Servant would hardly keep shouting "Dinner is

    being served" every day for 97 years and be dead wrong every time- unless they needed to have their crazy ass fired!

    They'd say: " We are servants of Jehovah...not the congregation. We have been appointed by him to manage/regulate/oversee/dicipline the flock just like the faithful and discreet slave who looks over his owners belongings while he is away."

    7. Peter denied Christ 3 separate times out of self-regard in the face of danger. Tell me again how any disfellowshipped person is WORSE?

    They'd say: Peter was remorseful and his offenses occured in the peroid of one day/night. Disfellowshipped people are unrepentant and or have been carrying on sinfully over a long periond of time or on repeated occasions.

    8. When you hire a coach to get you to the playoffs and win the big game and you lose...lose...lose....do you FIRE him, or, do you keep him on?

    Well, then, how do you explain Fred Franz being made PRESIDENT after the 1975 fiasco?

    Fred Franz had the most seniority and likely the others, younger and newer to their GB positions were still a bit in awe of him because of his early history with the founders. They likely had spent enough years under his influence themselves that they still considered him somewhat of a holy man. Besides....Armageddon was still just around the corner....what's a few months or years in the big scheme of things? (he said 46 years later)

    9. Okay, you're telling me what "generation" REALLY MEANS now.....so....um...what the hell was all that other crap YOU SAID IT MEANT for the last 90 years? You came up with that---HOW exactly???

    Yes, and what about the billions of hours and pieces of literature spread through the world with incorrect teachings in them ? What about all those who were turned away from God and religion for good after being duped for so long by your false teachings?

    10. My mother suffered the pangs of birth so I could live. She fed, me, changed my diapers, held me, dried my tears, taught me right from wrong and

    was always there for me. Now tell me again what kind of low-life ingrate I WON'T BE if I turn my back on her now because she won't quit

    smoking….and you just DISFELLOWSHIPPED HER!!

    They'd say: " This was done to protect the rest of the congregation from the dangers of smoking and to send the message that although dicipline is hard to bear, it is for the good of the greater number....we don't hate the individual....we hate unhealthy dangerous behaviors that can be spread to others if they think it is condoned by us ".

  • Terry

    I'm more and more convinced (because people are not stupid) that a growing number of rational thinkers inside the Organization are troubled with inward questionings. However, they are deeply invested. The lid is still on.

    These people don't get a chance to talk to each other so that a critical mass can be reached.

    I think a bit of snooping around on the Web to answer questions fuels their inner churning.

    I put a voice to that.

    The so-called Organization has a response to everything--but, they are not answers so much as a way of recontexting and finessing the issues of their culpability.

  • Knowsnothing

    Thanks for the clarification, Terry. I figured as much, but I wanted to make sure (especially since you have a similar thread going on).

  • AGuest

    "Dang, I wuz wrong! Now what... 'n how'm I gonna tell my Bible studies?!"

    If they're honest, as you state, dear Terry (peace and HAPPY whatever makes you happy!)...


    A slave of Christ,


  • Terry

    An Education work where the teachers don't go to college and the lessons are subject to revision at any time produce students who go out

    into the world bereft of the ability to distinguish reality from shinola.

    The Jehovah's Witnesses make great custodians, Wal-Mart greeters, janitors, handy-men, Part Time roofers and such--but, Please! Don't let in your house pretending they KNOW something about history or the future!

  • WTWizard

    The witlesses pretend to know your future. However, they don't have anything but their rubbish to back it. If I wish to predict your future and I want a measure of accuracy, I first need to know what is going on. The more objective I can be there, the more accurate my prediction will be. I can predict hyperinflation only because I know they are printing US toilet papers like nothing and there is a ton of US debt waiting to be dumped on the open market by China. When? That's up to how many games they play. If I wish to know when, I need to know how many rounds they have left to waste keeping things going. Without that information, I cannot even hope to know when.

    Now, what backs the Washtowel information that a God-inspired end is about to come? They have the same information that let so many similar predictions down in the mid 1800s. Whether it be "OK, it's 1874" or complicated formulas all pointing to 2011, they are going to run into the next year. As they made a definitive prediction and ask people to stake their lives, without cross-referencing anything, on the accuracy of their predictions, they should be embarrassed and ashamed when they keep failing. And they don't have anything to base their predictions on except the Bible, which always seems to let people down whenever they try to use it as a guide.

  • Terry

    How EFFECTIVE a person is a Jehovah's Witness?

    They point to bad things and impending doom all the time.

    What good do they ACTUALLY achieve?

    Isn't it all theory and no praxis?

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