1.Any "organized" structure christians might be given by their heavenly Leader would be sort of like a hospital for the weak and sick.
It would not be a sales contest for hustling and never a pat on the back without a kick in the ass. What hospital kicks the sickest out the door?
2. Our measure of human happiness should never consist of eagerness to martyr one's self, ignore our fellow man in need, a sense of superiority because we're going to watch the extinction of humanity soon, nor an Absolute Certainty we are right with a history of failure in our previous views.
3.Human knowlege about life, medicine, science, astronomy, mathematics, physics, chemistry, history is greater and more abundant today than ever before. If you ignore higher education now--who is going to be the most ignorant moron in the room tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow afterward?
4.Those older publications were "food at the proper time", but, we should NOT read them for proper understanding of God's truth and purpose any more. Since when does God's Truth expire or contradict previous "truth"? Doesn't that only happen when you are guessing?
5.Humility consists of open willingness to admit mistakes and explain your failures with a promise to NEVER do it again. How humble or valid is it to say
"At times explanations given by Jehovah’s visible organization have shown adjustments, seemingly to previous points of view. But this has not actually been the case."
6. A Servant does not tell guests what to eat and when. They wait to be ordered. A Faithful and Wise Servant would hardly keep shouting "Dinner is being served" every day for 97 years and be dead wrong every time- unless they needed to have their crazy ass fired!
7. Peter denied Christ 3 separate times out of self-regard in the face of danger. Tell me again how any disfellowshipped person is WORSE?
8. When you hire a coach to get you to the playoffs and win the big game and you lose...lose...lose....do you FIRE him, or, do you keep him on? Well, then, how do you explain Fred Franz being made PRESIDENT after the 1975 fiasco?
9. Okay, you're telling me what "generation" REALLY MEANS now.....so....um...what the hell was all that other crap YOU SAID IT MEANT for the last
90 years? You came up with that---HOW exactly???
10. My mother suffered the pangs of birth so I could live. She fed, me, changed my diapers, held me, dried my tears, taught me right from wrong and was always there for me. Now tell me again what kind of low-life ingrate I WON'T BE if I turn my back on her now because she won't quit smoking….and you just DISFELLOWSHIPPED HER!!