Our daughter (270 miles away) Skypes with us and we interact with our baby grandaughter quite well through the computor. Yesterday, we played a trick on her. We held a Ritz cracker up to the camera and offered her a bite. Our daughter took a concealed Ritz cracker and pretended to take it from the screen. Little Emma looked quite surprised for just a moment and then took a nibble. We asked to have a bite and she held it out to us. Her mother took the cracker and "passed" it back to us through the screen. This went back and forth a couple of times and the baby was very into it and accepted it matter of factly. What have we done to this childs little brain? LOL
Skyping trick on a 17 month old.
by Glander 8 Replies latest jw friends
You've done nothing but make her feel like her grandparents are a little bit closer
That technology may be available one day...you never know!
Too cute! My daughter is 19 months old right now.
White Dove
That is a most wonderful thing you guys did for her
What have we done to this childs little brain? LOL
Uh, conditioned it to accept a photo shopped online birth certificate to be a valid as a real one.
What have we done to this childs little brain? LOL
Pretty cute trick...she'll be fine...that is, so long as nobody tells her she'll soon have her own pet lion and will never graduate from high before the tribulation hits.
so long as nobody tells her she'll soon have her own pet lion and will never graduate from high before the tribulation hits.
Great point, ex.
We have older grandchildren who are being actively taught by their parents that there IS a Santa Claus. They think it is cute. Yesterday, 3 year old Jack was excitedly telling us about Santa eating the cookies and drinking the milk that they had set out on Xmas eve. I looked at his Dad and said, "I hope you saved the glass so we can bag it and send it in for prints".
I looked at his Dad and said, "I hope you saved the glass so we can bag it and send it in for prints".
Oh come on now... everyone knows Santa wears gloves..
Broken Promises
I think that's the cutest thing!
It's amazing to think what technology will be available when she's an adult.