Open Letter To The Jehovah's Witnesses.
by Bangalore 8 Replies latest jw friends
Open Letter To The Jehovah's Witnesses.
A few years ago a coworker asked me what I was going to do for Christmas. I told him I would be going out in the door-to-door ministry. He said, "For crying out loud, give it a rest. It's Christmas!"
Drawing from data on my internal hard drive, I recited, "What better way to honor Jesus than to spend it doing the work he commissioned."
He nodded and said, "Yeah... I guess."
I always felt uncomfortable knocking on peoples doors on their holidays. I always thought that was rude. I didn't have the capacity to act on my gut feelings and I cringe to recall some of the looks and responces I recieved when they opened their doors.
Ahh... it's good to be persecuted.
uhm... "responses"
I think most people are irritated by Jehovah's Witnesses knocking on their door on any given morning. The fact that it is Christmas day would only intensify negative feelings. This is turn makes the practice a "bad witness".
I have gone out in the door-to-door ministry on Thanksgiving and Christmas mornings. I stopped before I stopped being a Witness. I just felt it unloving and counter-productive.
I know the party line is,"The end is near. Would you refuse to knock on your neighbor's door to tell them their house is on fire simply because you didn't want to interrupt their pagan holidays?" Well, according to the Watch Tower, their house has been on fire since 1914. The sense of urgency died out a long time ago.
I always hated going out in service on holidays. We got a lot of pressure to go out on those days because "you have an extra day off work". Even though we didn't celebrate Christmas this year, it was still much nicer to stay home, cook a turkey, hang out with each other and not have to haul out of bed early to go to meeting.
They will still come by at least once a year to ask if you're the person who put the address on the "Do Not Call" list and whether you still feel that way.
Maybe having a "Crisis of Conscience Sold Here" sign next to the door would help...
Hi. The last one is right :D You should put something like that. Although I think the 99% of them dont know about that book. Cheers.
I remember my wife and I out in the servie in the 80's and I worked with a brother she with a sister and a few minutes into the service she gets her head ripped off for being at someones door xmas day!
Never again!
Maybe a "Beware of Rabid Foaming Apostate" sign?? Or I really liked the "Official Watchtower Recycling Center" sign that was posted here a few times...