INTIMATELY, inside our own consciences and values there is a profound core of WHO WE ARE that makes us different from EVERYBODY else.
What is it that defines YOU?
Is it what you are FOR?
Is it what you are AGAINST?
Are you merely an organism of "for" and "against" reactions?
Is thre any part of you PRO-ACTIVE rather than merely RE-active?
What separates man from beast is the rational function of an active mind in THINKING IMPORTANT THOUGHTS and producing great IDEAS.
Being passively "for" or "against" has little meaning beyond just another chump in a chair with a big fat opinion.
Are you UP and ACTIVE about anything? Do you contribute money, volunteer time, write articles, organize others?
Or, do you just bitch and moan and take passive potshots at what you find distateful??
Here is a tool for sorting out who you are. Please respond if you are interested in this discussion.
1. Are you excited by things or ideas most? What ideas particularly encourage your enthusiasm?
2.What is the greatest Virtue you possess and why?
3.Which is most important: the function of a Social Order or the freedom of an individual to choose their own way?
4. Is the dysfunction of Government a symptom of anything---or--is it the cause?
5.Do you view OTHERS as the source of PROBLEMS and do you demand solutions from OTHERS? Or, are you a problem-solver yourself?
6.What, if any, long range goal most defines you as a person?
7.Name one thing you would completely eliminate in society and tell one thing you would create if a "magic button" were all you had to push.
Finally, the background noise of media has become overwhelmingly NEGATIVE, in my opinion. News outlets and commentators are relentless cheerleaders for THEIR side and against the other side rather than NEUTRAL and objective reporters without bias.
HOW CAN WE ESCAPE simply choosing sides and nodding like a bobble head when "Our" side talks?
Where do NEW thoughts, ideas and solutions come from INSIDE OF OUR OWN THINKING?
How do we free ourselves from the tyranny of "me too"?
Personally, being a unique individual is harder and harder to achieve.
We, as a Society, are SNOBS. We sneer at music we don't like. We spit contemptuous invective against the political view we don't approve. We stick with "our own kind" and villify "others."
Is there any escape UNLESS we break free and BECOME who WE ARE?