Nook (B&W) vs. Nook Color

by Band on the Run 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    My sister gave me a Nook black and white for Xmas. I can't decide whether to upgrade to the color version. She says that color has glare. I must say that I am pleased to be confronted with this dilemna. Thank you for your insight.

  • donuthole

    If you are looking for just reading books -- the black/white is more natural on the eyes. Like a regular book you'll need external light. The battery will last forever.

    The color model is more versatile, you browse the web, you can play games. For straight reading -- there is some eyestrain.

    I've got a Kindle Fire which is the color version of their ebook reader. My daughter has a b&w nook. Both are great fun.

  • I quit!
    I quit!

    I have a Nook Color and love it. I think the color version is better if you want to play games or read magazines. I subscribe to the Food network magazine on my Nook and it looks good and is easy to read. The new version comes with Netflix so you can watch movies on it. The last time I was in BN I had them update mine so I now have Netflix on mine but I haven't watched any movies on it yet. I was reading on it quite a often till I down loaded Angry Birds and got sidetracked.

    The B&W version looks pretty cool also if you are just going read books. It's light and smaller.

  • GLTirebiter

    If you want it mainly for reading books, keep the black-and-white model. Battery life is far longer (long battery life is what the black and white displays were designed for), and I prefer a device that does the book reading job really well to a jack-of-all-trades that sacrifices that function just to do other things best done by other tools.

    Only get color if you want web-browsing, photos, software apps, and the like on the same device. If you do want all those functions in one package, IMO, a tablet computer with an ebook reader app is a better choice because it has a better quality, larger screen.

    FWIW, I use a black-and-white Kindle with the mini keyboard. The keyboard is good enough to take short notes and make highlights while you read. It only need charging about once a month; no problem with the battery not lasting through a long plane flight. If needing a reading light is a problem (such as for reading in bed), the same kind of LED clip-on reading light you can use on a paper book will work for the e-book reader.

  • finallysomepride

    I have a Kobo B&W, had it replaced once, & the current one not doing to well

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