My mother had this arrangement. What it actually accomplished was isolating her from the Cong. As she was 89 she didn't drive at night. She also had macular degeneration. She would study all week for the meetings. This arrangement released the cong from the responsibility of seeing her, calling her, etc. When she died she felt very forsaken by them. She only served the borg for 59 years. I hate them.
Telephone hook up
by dogisgod 2 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Your Mum sounds like one of the good faithful types who gave their all in what they understood to be right.God will remember her
Hi Dog, I feel for your mother and totally understand your anger. My fathful mother has been mistreated as well and it makes my blood boil The only good that has come out of it is that the SOB's forced me to start waking up.