This is so funny, but typical of JWs. You can't ask a question of them without getting attacked. This sister is quite judgmental.
What facts r there that jesus died on a stack and not a cross?
- T.M. likes this.
D.R.B. The issue isn't so much what he died on, rather the problem is with the venerating of a
pagan statue that really is disguisting considering what it was used for.
10 hours ago ·
M.S. Ohh of course.... just ppl at work want to know the facts other then the jw's view.... I am raised in the truth soo its common knowlodge for me
9 hours ago
T.M. M, the 'Reasoning' book has many secular references regarding the cross..(pg 89-93) and while it maybe common knowledge for you, you are old enough now to make the truth your own and have some research skills so as to answer these questions yourself..: ) 1Peter 3:15,"But sanctify the Christ as Lord in YOUR hearts, always ready to make a defense before everyone that demands of YOU a reason for the hope in YOU, but doing so together with a mild temper and deep respect".
It is a great question to ask!!