Found out that the land by itself was bought for CASH at the tune of $1,250,000.00 - land size is approx 600 feet by 1000 feet - in the desert, small town between two major cities. No idea what the building cost!!
New ASSembly hall and property cost
by sinis 9 Replies latest watchtower scandals
One thing that can be assured 1 million dollars to this organization is but a drop in a bucket.
The organization's wealth is mainly tied up in land and property assets , bought by the WTS. itself or freely donated by followers.
Think of all the branch offices and properties where Assembly halls are located around the world, throw in the multi-million dollar
properties in Brooklyn being sold off and the monetary figure is staggering.
If you had the control of hundreds of millions of dollars, how would you handle and retain that controlling grasp ?
You would most likely carefully look over how the money was cultivated and derived in the first place.
The WTS. has gotten so bullish about money they're apparently setting up charge and debit machines at their Assembly halls
so individuals can donate funds that way.
God never seems to be able to handle money very well somehow, he always seems to want more and more.
To sinas: Just curious, where is this proposed ASSembly Hall?
Hall has already been built and is functional in Casa Grande, AZ
wha happened?
i used to bitch about the waste for these facilities and running them, until I learned how much in donations they bring in. Now I bitch about the waste of all the money that these facilities bring in
Hmmmm.....It real easy to amass that kind of wealth when you can hide behind a 501c3, get the brothers and sisters to give away their labor for free, and all you do is take in and never give back! Hellva racket!
I wonder how their bottomline will be affected when the statue of limitation for child abuse cases is lifted?
hahahahaha did anyone notice what he did? He capitalized the first 3 letters so it says ASS! That's some real something somethings right there.
The Washtowel is awash in vast reserve's of cash and stocks/bonds. Probably a lot more than anyone realizes. In my area, they are buying land and looking to build another Kingdum Hell at a cost of 2,000,000.! WTF?? And the real kicker is, we DON'T Need another cult centre in our area! the 2 halls we have are almost half empty. I guess they figure the bro's in our area can afford it. So in the end, these "Expansion's" are a huge cash cow for them and the payouts they would have to do for child abuse and other lawsuits won't even put a dent in their Financial Empire. I estimate their net worth around the world to be 15 to 20 Billion $ and growing. Just the increase in realestate values and interest/profit from their cash and investments for one year is stagering. Not counting the assembley (weekend wasters) , publishing, donations, Will's, Jewelery, Life insurance policies, etc, etc, etc. Their sitin pretty. Unfortunantly, us "Mentally diseased" Demonized whatever will only be able to put a dent in their pocket books.... For Now.
But they are on a steady decline.
I think you are marveling at things I don't think so extraordinary. That the WT would spend so much money on a plot of land . . . .in the desert?? Does anyone think that a tiny piece of land sold for an astronomical amount of money means that there is likely something underhanded going on? Someone was getting rewarded imo, which is only my opinion, not a fact. I imagine someone else has already asked that question, right?
6.5 ACRES IN CAS GRANDE??? The most(only) property that approached that cost was right at the freeway intersection. Several others on the same road of a similar size are around 500K. What's up with that? There is NOTHING nearby except hwy a few miles down the road 23K to 40K per acre is normal. 100,000 acre very rare. NOTHING about the location warrants that price. Cronyism?? Who knows?
Captain Obvious
Cronyism?? Who knows?
Could very well be, but who know what they are including at that price point. Could be taxes, transfer fees, agent fees, legal fees, surveyor fees, etc. but still if the value in the surrounding area is that much lower... It wouldnt be below them to cook the numbers.
Do you remember a the KH rebuild in Vancouver a couple years ago? The property was worth millions, the underground parking lot was something like 1.2, then they actual hall built on top of that was still stupidly expensive. I can accept that the area is expensive and underground parking lots weren't cheap... But damn. They asked all of the surrounding congs to pitch in. We lived 45 mins away, they still asked our hall to pledge a bunch of cash for it. They ended up with way too much money! If I remember correctly they donated the rest to the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund.