The JW corporation probably produces more useless literature than any other corporation on the planet (or are at least in the top 10). Probably over half of the magazines they print go to waste. Even the most zealous of poineers has a huge pile of "unplaced" magazines in their house (for us less "zealous ones" the pile may get quite prodigious ). Think of all the trees that go to waste to produce this garbage. If God will really "put to ruin those ruining the earth", the Watchtower corporation should be on his list for producing their literature .
If the JW's are going to produce useless books, at the very least they should do their part in helping the earth. Wouldn't recycling old magazines be a good way to do this? Instead of having old magazines & books that aren't part of a Witnesses personal library eventually go in the garbage or to a state recycling program, the JW corporation should take these useless magazines back and reuse the paper, hence saving on waste. I don't know if recycling paper cost more than buying it brand new (maybe that's why the Org. hasn't done it), but recycling is definitely kinder to our planet. Have a letter to the congreation read, telling of this "simplified" arrangement. Tell the congreations that they should co operate with the "faithful and discreet slave" and no doubt most JW's would jump on board with the idea. If this arrangement will cost them more, they can always "suggest" that the Witnesses give a little something extra, perhaps setting up a "Kingdom Recycling Fund" run by the newly formed corporation "Kingdom Recyclers of Jehovah's Witnesses". That way, at least the end result will be a lessening of the waste of our precious resources.
Go therefore and baptize the people in the name of the father and of the son... what the hell, we just need to bring up the yearbook numbers!