Are believers called to be Christians, or to help others become Christians?

by Fernando 3 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Fernando

    Is this an unscriptural and sectarian (divisive) notion?

    The word Christian/s appears only 3 times in scripture.

    Footnotes (for these 3 scriptures) in the Aramaic English Bible (by Andrew Gabriel Roth) say that this label came from outside and was not used between believers or by the apostles in reference to themselves.

    One imagines Paul saying there is neither Jew, nor Christian, nor Muslim, nor Hindu...

  • transhuman68

    Since Christianity, Judaism and Islam can all trace their beginnings back to Abraham, they might all be sects. Leave it to God to sort them out.

  • wobble

    Who really was the God of Abraham ?

  • Fernando

    Hey wobble! For me the "God of Abraham" is our "heavenly father" whereas the "god of religion" is our evil step-father Satan the Devil.

    Since we as believers share a common father with Jesus, he calls us his brothers.

    (Hebrews 2:11) . . .For both he who is sanctifying [namely Jesus] and those who are being sanctified all [stem] from one [our heavenly father the "God of Abraham"], and for this cause he [Jesus] is not ashamed to call them “brothers,”

    Religionists are said to have a different father: (John 8:44) . . .YOU are from YOUR father the Devil, and YOU wish to do the desires of YOUR father. . . .

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