Tintin Movie and My Computer Geek Son

by bigmouth 7 Replies latest social entertainment

  • bigmouth

    Went to see Tintin in 3D last night with one of my sons and sat through all the credits waiting to see another of my sons names appear.

    And there it was !! Very exciting. He's a render wrangler at Weta Workshops in Wellington and works long late hours transferring stuff into digital format (as I understand it).

    I used to despair of him fiddling with computers and Linux and IT junk until he emerged a year ago with a degree and got asked to go to Weta. I just wanted him to get a proper job!

    Now he gets lunch with Speilberg and Jackson. He's worked on Planet of the Apes, Terminator and the upcoming Dambusters remake but this is the first time he's been credited.

    We're just so proud of Glenn. I hope he knows it.

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    Way cool! You must be so proud!

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions


  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    Any person who can earn a living by performing their passion is blessed. Did he want to go into film application or was it serendipity?

    It is nice to hear a parent so proud of their child.

  • mrsjones5

    Yep, all that gaming was good for something. That's really cool news.

  • bigmouth

    Thank you all. BOR, he was just fascinated as a child with the mechanics of computers and programming languages. Near the end of his studies he said he was keen on going into robotics. I think when two or three of his final year were asked to join Weta he probably thought it was a good start. Maybe his perspective will change.

    Incidentally, he's our third child and was the first one we encouraged to consider tertiary education as we mentally left the borg.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Great stuff.

  • Quarterback

    I always enjoyed the TinTin story books when I was a child. It was very popular in Europe, and in the Eastern Part of Canada. It had a lot of adventure and suspense. When I found out that the big names were buying the copyrights to this story, I couldn't wait to see it developed on the screen.

    You must be proud of your son's acheivements. Good for you.


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