Propaganda - Spectacular achievements of the Gibbering Buddies

by hamsterbait 3 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • hamsterbait

    Hi Everybody -

    Am in the middle of Noam Chomskys book (yeah dont start screaming COMMIE)

    "Media Control - The Spectacular Achievements of Propaganda."

    So much of it reads like a textbook for Witchtower mind control and manipulation. The demonisation of former friends, disortion and manufacture of information to bend opinion and control behavior.

    Intersting phrase, first used by government think-tanks in the 20s is "The Bewildered Herd" - those who dont understand , know, or want what their betters want for them. And the means for pushing them in the desired direction. Make-think, make-hate, make-do , make-feel methods.

    If anybody else has read this already, I am interested to hear your views on how this has been applied by the WTBTS - I have not yet finished it, but already think that the WT leaders must have some knowledge of these techniques.

    I am only interested in how these obvious methods are used by the Watchtower Religion to control its sheeples by fear, etc. Start your own Chomsky hate thread

    The Demonisation of Apostates is the first thing that struck me - they WT says that opposers "want to kidnap our children."

    I cannot finish it tonight, but would be interested to hear....


  • Alfred

    Sounds like a good read... thanks for recommending it.

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    Yes! That is a great book I actually borrowed from a witness friend, so I don't have it in front of me to draw any distinct parallels. But when you consider the level of deception present in the two recent 607 articles, you truly see firsthand the power propaganda has over HUGE groups of people.

    As an aside, I found it interesting how, not unlike the society, Chomsky is very anti-professional sports in that they are used to stir up an almost patriotic fervor that can be channeled by government for its own interests.

  • Fernando

    Sorry don't have the book, but was reminded of more WBT$ irony.

    *** w56 6/15 p. 360 Getting and Giving the Thoughts of God ***
    Through his demonic mental assaults Satan thinks for these millions, implanting his thoughts in their mind and filling their heart with his ways, yet doing it so subtly that they think these thoughts are their own. We usually believe what we want to believe, and one thing we like to believe is that we do our own thinking. Hence it is not too hard for clever propagandists to make us think their thoughts are ours. They plant the thought and nourish it, but do it so subtly that we think it is our own.

    *** g78 8/22 p. 4 Do Others Do Your Thinking? ***
    Whatever you read or watch or listen to, test whether it is propaganda or whether it is the truth. ... What about you? Will you let others think for you, or will you do your own thinking?

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