Recently the local Kingdom Hall had a Local Needs Talk in which they expressed how too many people were listening to the meeting via the telephone connection. As a result, they've changed the code necessary to listen to the meeting. Only qualified individuals (homebound, bedfast, etc) will be allowed to call in and listen to a meeting. I tested this out last week, and indeed the code has been changed.
I wasn't at the meeting to hear this announcement, nor was I listening via the telephone. Some friends told me about the talk the other night. Needless to say, my jaw hit the floor. I, of course, don't believe in their "truth", nor can I take their meetings seriously; however, the individuals still at the Kingdom Hall do. To them, the meetings and the information presented are essential for everlasting life. That being said, if these meetings are so vital to one's eternal well-being, why in the world would they prevent fellow Christians from listening to the meeting?
The telephone hookup is a provision to help people get something from the meeting who normally wouldn't because of their absence. If you truly believe the meeting is that important for life, why would you deprive people from that provision? Isn't listening to the talk over the phone better than nothing at all? The phone hookup is a merciful provision to help people - and they took it away!
I asked the brother who told me the news: Why would they do that? Isn't a small piece of pie better than no pie?
He replied: Yeah, but you're supposed to go to the meetings to incite others to love and fine works. And if they're not at the meetings, they're not following the command to incite others to love.
I then replied: So, your love IS conditional. Unless I love you, you won't love me, right? And, who on the body of elders is qualified to determine an illness? Who defines "sick"? Some sicknesses aren't obvious. For example, what of those with emotional and mental illness?
The brother just sat there quietly - no reply. After a brief moment he changed the subject. I didn't pursue it any further since it was obvious my point was made.
No, I don't believe in this organization anymore; nevertheless, those calling to listen to the meetings do believe it. Instead of shepherding these individuals and actualling encouraging them to return (if they are able), the elders took away the provision after inferring that they were abusing it. They now forbid the majority of these callers from listening to the meetings from home. Personally, I believe they did those individuals a favor, but it still breaks my heart to see such flagrant merciless behavior by those charged with shepherding the flock.
Jesus said, "Happy are the merciful, since they will be shown mercy." (Matthew 5:7) How, then, will Jesus, who treats people so tenderly that "no smoldering flaxen wick will he extinguish," regard those pharisaical elders who ignore the weak and extinguish the smoldering spark of those still believing? Is this not additional proof of an evil slave who beats his fellow slaves instead of following the example of the Master? - Matthew 12:20; 24:28.