I listened to this reading and was amazed about how so little we know about the most famous person who ever lived at this time. The link is below, but here are some pointers,,, Listen and Read with an Open mind,,, I know most members are after being duped by organized religion. It this gets some interest I will post a new one as it comes out next week.
Tonight on An Hour with an Angel, Jesus made some startling revelations, perhaps the most interesting of which was the acknowledgement that he did marry Mary Magdalene, had a daughter Sarah who journeyed to the South of France after his departure from this plane, and that Sarah was indeed what is known as the “Holy Grail.” He mentioned as well why this info was aleft out of the Gospel.
To listen to this show and past shows, click on the link below:http://www.blogtalkradio.com/an-hour-with-an-angel
He said that his family of origin was well-placed and that times varied from peaceful to less orderly because of mass migrations. But his family was not poor as has been often represented in the Bible.Other revelations: he described the journeying he made to other lands to study under teachers of many religions. In olden times this round was called the philosopher’s circuit. He described his studies in India.
He acknowledged that we are all already immortal and, when he speaks of immortality, he means the end of the need to be reborn into matter rather than becoming immortal.
He talked about his birth, childhood, and education, and that he travels among star brothers and sisters today.
He spoke to those who are feeling a lack of hope, and the importance for Lightworkers to reach out to others to send healing, love and light to let them know you are holding the hope for them until they are ready to resume their place in the unfoldment/2012. He said it is time for standing up for what you know to be true.
Jesus said he would return next week to continue the discussion of his life and teachings, including karma and reincarnation.